Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New York's Firemen, Policemen and all Emergency Responders did what they always do best, kept New Yorkers as safe as possible under the worst possible conditions.  Kudos to them!   The men and women who serve are dedicated to making our lives as safe as they can often going above and beyond what is expected. 

The NY Post editorial today, explains why it is necessary to remove Garaufis from ruling on the firefighters case before him.

America is blessed with a Constitution that guarantees Freedom of the Press and we are a greater country because we have a press that is unafraid of speaking out against government atrocities.  Yet, they, for the most part, are silent on Benghazi.  Why?  Fortunately, not everyone is silent.  Jonah Goldberg writes Benghazi, No Mere 'October Surprise'  and Victor Davis Hanson on Careers Will End Over Libya Coverup.  The White House obviously does not want to answer any questions regarding Benghazi, despite the fact that President Obama said (regarding Sandy) "We leave nobody behind." 

Can you believe,  Andrea Mitchell?   Instead of reporting on Benghazi, she criticizes Governor Mitt Romney for helping Sandy's victims.

Are you eligible for an Obamacare/tax exemption?

For Halloween, Obama's scariest domestic policies.   And if that is not enough to scare you,  the Heritage Foundation reminds us of Taxmageddon.  Not scared yet?  Read this on Obamacare/tax.

Just love the sub-title on this article A big storm requires Big Bird?  The sub-title is:  Necessary government doesn't justify extravagant government.  Truer words were never written!

Certainly, there was a better use of our tax dollars...

...And this is for all who think climate changes caused Sandy.

Wednesday's with Walter E. Williams.

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