Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year-End Wrap Up

What is your choice for 2009’s biggest news story for conservatives? There are lots of options...

Spending: Barack Obama talked a lot about “change” during his campaign, but as President he’s shown himself as just another tax-and-spend liberal. Together with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid – and with plenty of help from New York’s Chuck Schumer – the Obama Administration has spent like there’s no tomorrow, saddling America with a record budget deficit in 2009 and forcing the government’s debt limit up to a whopping $12.4 trillion.

National Security: Gone are the days of a consistent, aggressive War on Terrorism. That phrase has even been banned in Washington. Now we have the Obama Administration planning to close down Guantanamo and bring terrorists to New York City to stand trial. After much dithering, the President decided to go with a mini-surge in Afghanistan, while at the same time Democrats like Barney Frank called for huge cuts in the defense budget. And then, thanks to the failed attack on Christmas Day, we were reminded that the threat of terrorism is still horribly real.

Health Care: President Obama and the Democrats expected smooth sailing as they sought to takeover all Americans’ health care choices – but all Americans wouldn’t keep quiet. Throughout the summer of 2009, citizens spoke their minds at town hall meetings and rallies across the nation – only to be branded as “un-American” by Nancy Pelosi and her minions. Madame Speaker, Harry Reid and the Democrats in Washington showed their disdain for the majority of Americans by passing ObamaCare by any means necessary.

Doug Hoffman: GOP bosses thought conservatives would play along when they chose “moderate” Republican Dede Scozzafava as their candidate in what should have been a run-of-the-mill special election to replace John McHugh. Well, she wasn’t a moderate – she was a liberal. The Conservative Party brought a principled conservative to the race – local business leader Doug Hoffman. The rest is history. The Conservative Party’s goal was to stand on principle – and to stand up to the corrupt and self-serving party bosses who could care less about the voters of New York. In doing so, we can most certainly declare victory.

The New York Senate: Partisanship, backstabbing, power plays and political posturing – all in a day’s work for the politicians in Albany. But this past summer’s Senate spectacle brought “politics as usual” to a new low, and made New York a laughing stock as the most dysfunctional state in the nation (an impressive feat after the high standard set by Rod Blagojevich in Illinois.)

Gov. Paterson: From mishandling the task of replacing Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate (and angering the Kennedy clan!) to playing the race card when he couldn’t handle the pressure of politics, Gov. Paterson repeatedly established himself in 2009 as the accidental governor. Will he end up being the big story for 2010, when he faces a tough election battle?

What do you think was the biggest story of 2009? Vote in our poll, and find out how many people agree with you. Or, if there’s something else you believe was the biggest news of the year, tell us what you think in the comments section.

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Unfortunately, this gentleman is correct, where are the American papers saying the same?

The Heritage Foundation, former VP Dick Cheney have the courage to tell President Obama his shortcomings. However, the President seems unable to admit when he is wrong about closing GITMO. Even Sen. Diane Finestein is calling for no more detainees to be sent to Yemen!

President Obama has to learn that we are at war.

Making TSA agents unionized is not the problem.

The other problem is obviously the health care bill as Thomas Sowell writes.

New York is down to "petty cash" after dealing with a decade of debt. The budget will be very interesting next year.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Homeland Security Secretary under fire, rightfully so and here also. Ralph Peters writes "Our government gets no thanks for preventing a tragedy. Only the bomber's ineptitude preserved the lives of nearly 300 innocents." Read more here.

The Heritage Foundation calls for "smarter security, not more money".

Cal Thomas thinks we got lucky also.

RedState Blog likes the way Jack Tapper took on Robert Gibbs.

Now this Administration is concerned about deficits after a year of uncontrolled spending.

Hundreds of al-Qaeda millitants planning attacks from Yemen and this Administration wants to send GITMO detainees there?

Well, thank you very much Senator Dodd, we all feel safer now! NOT!!

Is this what New Yorkers can look forward to?

Monday, December 28, 2009

We trust you all had an enjoyable Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year, and what a year it will be. If Washington and Albany continue to spend as they did this year, we may all be unable to celebrate any holiday in 2010!

ACORN is unconcerned about the future.

Mexico is very concerned about its future.

Tim Pawlenty has the right ideas for the future of his state. If only New York would do the same.

Good news, voters are paying attention and making some uncomfortable due in part to columns written by Michelle Malkin and Daniel Henninger.

Has Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano finally reached the same conclusions we have with the security failure on Flight 253 Christmas Day?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Congressman Bart Stupak apparently isn't allowed to exercise his First Amendment rights. Of course, if you believe that the democrats lost control of Congress in 1994 due to the failure to pass health care reform, as White House COS Rahm Emanuel does, you will go to any length to get a bill passed. I guess that includes keeping the Junior Senator from New York quite, despite the fact that the health care reform bill puts additional fiscal burdens on all New Yorkers who pay taxes. More here on how Obamacare will bankrupts states.

Michael Goodwin speaks for all of us when he writes how our country needs Mr. Smith.

Jonah Goldberg reminds us how President Obama has failed his words.

Congressman Murtha's is in the news again.

Just when you are beginning to think every Member of Congress should be forcibly retired, your faith is restored that some are worth keeping, but then you realize they don't want to stay in the cesspool and hope they can make a difference before they leave.

In case you didn't check this out before, all five parts are available now. Read about the antics of the Working Family Party here then ask your legislator why they would ever consider running on that line.

Ronald Reagan's first year in the Presidency was a difficult one, yet at Christmas he still offered hope in his first Christmas address as president. Ronald Reagan reminds us in his Christmas message that all children are gifts from God; we now live within an administration that believes it is acceptable to use tax dollars to end their lives. If this is what is consider progress, most Americans do not want any part of it.

May the joy and hope of Christmas be with you all.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Democrat Congressman from Alabama who is also a doctor, cites Health Care Bill for changing his affiliation to Republican. While another democrat says all the horse-trading for the bill is "small stuff".

Politics as usual continues, no wonder President Obama's approval numbers continue to plummet.

There really is a method to their madness.

New York State Medicaid program used $92 M for improper payments, 26,000 recipients with multiple identification numbers, and this before the federal government adds more to the rolls.

Charter Schools can help New York's budget crunch.

Is Dennis Prager right? Cal Thomas seems to think so. If the Health Care Bill becomes law, will it be legal?

It's Tuesday, so it must be time for Thomas Sowell .

Monday, December 21, 2009

Politics as usual in Washington, DC, nothing has changed despite what was promised. Votes are taken in the middle of the night to pass legislation that most Americans oppose. Sweetheart deals for certain states while the taxpayers in other states will be paying for the special concessions given to the favored few, including Sen. Dodd. (Of course, Sen. Dodd is used to special deals especially for himself.)

Sen. Schumer believes the democrats will see a health care bounce. Time for a reality check for Sen. Schumer and Sen. Gillibrand, his protegee. Americans do not want this bill. Period! More on what the bill contains here and here.

What is bigger than Watergate?

A street for Sean Bell?

This Congressman is a disgrace, does he even understand our Constitution?

Human Events names its Conservative of the Year.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

Feeling generous this Christmas season? I hope so...

At the Climate Conference spectacle in Copenhagen, President Barack Obama and New York’s own Hillary Clinton are giving away the store
– all based on Al Gore’s “I think I heard somebody say something about this once” scientific process.

In Washington, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama are spending our money like there’s no tomorrow.

Here’s a great article showing the absurdity and incompetence of the big spenders in Congress.

A $100,000 earmark for a library in Jamestown, SC was accidentally given to Jamestown, CA – a town that doesn’t even have a library. And the earmark is twice what the small-town library in South Carolina asked for in the first place.

Two members of Congress – a Republican and a Democrat – joined forces to get $100,000 to build bus shelters in ritzy Bal Harbour, FL. As the Times reports, “Congress more than doubled that amount to $250,000.”

I guess it’s easy to be generous when you’re dealing with other people’s money – and when you can just dig the country deeper and deeper into debt, which seems to be Nancy Pelosi’s top priority.

Unfortunately New Yorkers don’t have to go too far for lessons in how not to govern.

It’s a strange week when I agree with Howard Dean, but... if I were a senator, I would not vote for the current health-care bill.

As Howard Dean puts it, “Real reform would significantly lower costs, improve the delivery of health care and give all Americans a meaningful choice of coverage. The current Senate bill accomplishes none of these.”

Now don’t be alarmed – Mr. Dean thinks the Senate bill doesn’t go far enough in establishing a government-controlled health care system or a “single payer” monstrosity, and with that I couldn’t disagree more. But it’s starting to seem like nobody really likes ObamaCare.

Even some labor unions are getting cold feet.

And the White House can’t get its story straight.

But hey, Bill Clinton is on board...

Believe it or not, Sheldon Silver was on the verge of making sense this week, when he seemed to express some opposition to bringing terrorists in for a visit to New York. Alas, that was too good to be true: Sheldon is happy to have Khalid Sheik Mohammed and friends in town.

Truth is, now is a great time to be a terrorist – especially when you have a U.S. President offering “Get Out of Jail Free” cards. Just ask the detainees at Guantanamo who are looking forward to a trip home to Yemen.

We’ll be updating the blog next week when there’s breaking news or if we see an interesting story you might like. We’ll be off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, of course.

I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From Ballot Access News:

New York Finally Releases Final Figures for 23rd District Special Election December 15th, 2009
On December 15, New York state released the final and official vote totals for the special election for U.S. House in the 23rd district. The results are: William Owens, 66,548 on the Democratic line and 6,589 on the Working Families line, for a total of 73,137. Douglas Hoffman, 69,553 on the Conservative line. Dede Scozzafava, 7,260 votes on the Republican line and 1,322 on the Independence Party line, for a total of 8,582.
The Conservative Party’s share of the vote, 45.98%, was the highest for a minor party in a U.S. House race since 1949, when the Liberal Party won a special election in New York state with 50.68%.

Politicians beware as voters are in a grouchy mood.

Sen. Schumer regrets his outburst while Sen. Gillibrand made excuses!

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is wrong on this issue.

Senator Tom Coburn is right on this issue.

Health Care has been a 70 year obsession with Democrats and we should all be thankful that their obsession has not been realized. All of the recrafting of the health care bill, will not make it right.

Does this administration understand that we cannot afford to incur any more debt?

Will the WFP survive legal scrutiny?

On a lighter note, if Santa is stopping by your home this Christmas Season, you may want him to sign this.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seems to me that this administration is on record saying that Republicans should stop scaring the American people, if Republicans use scare tactics, what is President Obama doing here? Mr. President, we will go bankrupt with your spending!! If health care costs need to be "reigned" in, then before any change is made to the health care system, reign in the cost; get rid of the fraud and waste. Do what is right for all Americans, not just the members of your favorite union.

The WSJ reminds President Obama of his words "Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren," Senator Barack Obama said during the 2006 debt-ceiling debate. "America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." That was $2 trillion ago, when someone else was President," as they write about the looming deficits.

This just crossing the wires U.S. National Debt Tops Debt Limit....

Ambassador John Bolton write about democracy under arrest.

Cause for concern while California continues to exacerbate the problem.

Another reason for incumbents to worry.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The good news is "Dems to Drop Medicare Expansion" while the bad news is "Gitmo Detainees" are moving to Illinois.

If Chuck Norris continues to write a few more articles like this, he may be drafted to run for political office himself.

Charles Hurt is accurate in his current column. (If you have the time, check out the comments of "Sutton542" and you will understand why our Country is in trouble.)

Rich Lowry and Michael Tanner write about the Health Care Reform Bill.

President Obama manages to call divided Dems together before his next overseas trip. Mr. President, perhaps you should listen to what the people want, and stop demanding that Congress just give you what you and the left want. Spending by your administration is out of control, Mr. President, America cannot afford your wants. "Bashing the Banks" will not resolve anything, in fact, it will lead to more financial problems.

Is Climate Change natural?

A must read for New Yorkers: "Acorn, the Working Families Party and Political Corruption" part 1.

Monday, December 14, 2009

If you are a home owner and considering the possibility of selling your home in the future, you should be aware of some of the provisions in the "Cap and Trade" bill that are not being exposed by the main stream media. (Fortunately, we are no longer dependent on the main stream media for an alysis of what Congress is doing.) Buried deep in the "Cap and Trade Bill" is a provision requiring your home to be "energy efficient" yes, your home will have to have an energy label. And if it is not up to standards, you will not be able to sell it. Learn more here. And in case you want to see the actual language in the bill, you can begin here, then search for H.R.2454.

Of course with the EPA taking the lead on regulating the earth's climate, we may breath a little easier hoping that "Cap and Trade" won't be passed.

But wait, is the US Senate about to gain greater control of our private property by passing the "Clean Water Restoration Act"?

The WSJ writes of the long term costs of long term care in the Health Care Reform Bill. The NY Post had an article in Sunday's edition on "What the Health Care Bill Means To You."

Spending is all Washington can do lately.

Albany's poor projection for income in the 2009 budget is causing major problems and a state judge compounds the situation.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

So who’s having a happy holiday season?

Plenty of federal employees, that’s for sure.
According to USA Today, “Federal workers are enjoying an extraordinary boom time — in pay and hiring — during a recession that has cost 7.3 million jobs in the private sector.”

Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Congress are feeling generous. Too bad it’s with OUR money. This is from the LA Times: “Getting into the holiday spirit, the House of Representatives on Thursday approved a spending bill loaded with goodies for the folks back home.”In all, this new spending bill contains 5,224 earmarks. Cost to taxpayers: almost $4 billion.

Funny how The New York Times can’t be bothered to give too much coverage to this latest spending spree, and the “so-called” (
as the Times puts it) earmarks we’re being forced to pay for.

The New York Post likes President Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech – well, most of it, anyway.

Read an excerpt from the speech

Charles Krauthammer
points out that third-world countries and Washington bureaucrats are loving global warming hysteria.

And instead of a partridge in a pear tree, today we have an “eco-vulture” – the infamous George Soros. Charles Hurt from the Post has the story.

I’m sure the liberals and Sen. Max Baucus are happy that the media ignore
the Democrats’ scandals.

The “mainstream” media are also ignoring the true beginnings of the Democrats’ health care agenda. The blueprint for the liberals’ “reforms” was written by Robert Creamer – a convicted felon (tax evasion and bank fraud are his specialties) while he was serving in prison.

Glenn Beck has the story. Tell us what you think about this in our new poll.

I hope you have plenty to be happy about this Christmas season. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Every family knows how difficult it is to cut back on spending when circumstances have changed the financial circumstances within the family, but a responsible family will be able to make the necessary cuts and plan for the future. Governor Paterson is trying, and for that, should be given some credit.

Karl Rove is no doubt one of the most proficient political prognosticators in the field, hopefully his assessement is too early to be accurate.

If the spending continues like this in the House, it should be easy to replace the Speaker, if we survive until January 2011. Hint to the House Majority: this is not how to solve your spending problem!

US Senators: take note! More on Health Care Reform here, here and here.

Another one for the file "Are you kidding?"

Washington Times Editorial hits the nail on the head.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If you have wondered if small businesses have benefited from the stimulus money, here is one that certainly has. President Obama wants us to spend our way out of downturn. I guess if he gives us what Mark Penn received, we could, however I doubt that will happen. Be very wary of what democrats want. Seriously, gentlemen, when has anyone ever spent their way out of debt?

John Stossel writes of the lessons in "Atlas Shrugged", maybe the stimulus money could be used to purchase each Member of Congress a copy of it. Better yet, buy one copy and read it into the record, it will take less time than the Health Care Reform bill as it has less pages.

Thomas Sowell has another column that is a must read.

If you think it is safe for your children to watch the History Channel, read this.

Is CO2 really a dangerous pollutant? (How dangerous can it be when we exhale CO2?)

Why didn't I become a teacher on Long Island?

Decisions that will have long term effects on all of us were recently argued before the US Supreme Court. It will be interesting to learn how they rule.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let me get this right, 1200 Limo's and 140 private jets do not add to "global warming" but each family or municipality that lights a Christmas trees does. Here are some important facts.

Sen. Reid, was President Lincoln a democrat? Do you really need a lesson in history?

Sen. Joe Liberman is defending his position regarding the health care bill. CEO's have second thoughts on Obamacare. Click here to support life in the health care reform bill.

James Freeman writes of the Supreme review of the Sarbanes-Oxley law.

The NY Post gives credit to the Building and Construction Trade Council for exercising common sense!

I. Lynn Mueller writes of the need of GOP farm teams and the recent election victories around New York State. They certainly were important wins for all New Yorkers and the winning ways will continue as long as the emphasis is on cutting spending...that is what New Yorkers need most and this was the winning message.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s the Christmas season, so let’s try to be joyful. There are some developments this week to be happy about.

For one thing, traditional marriage is safe for now in New York.

Sounds like Gov. Paterson has finally gotten the message, at least for the time being:

Next up is New Jersey. It will say a lot if gay marriage can’t win support in two of the “bluest” states in the country.

I said earlier this year that we’d be seeing a taxpayer revolt in New York, and here’s the latest proof that people are fed up: The defeat of Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi.

Is Gov. Paterson getting the message on that, too? He seems to be quite determined to rein in out-of-control spending in New York.

And then there’s President Obama’s decision (finally!) on Afghanistan – specifically, to send a “surge” of 30,000 troops to the region. Reaction was mixed, to say the least. We can at least be glad that the President is not blindly following his base – the surrender-happy left wing of the Democratic Party. When it comes to national security, though, I miss President Bush.

Here are some reactions to Obama’s decision...

From Peggy Noonan, who is quite impressed:

From Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes, who both see it as a lackluster speech announcing a good policy.

The Washington Times and Charles Krauthammer are not impressed at all.

What I want to know is, how can we expect the Obama Administration to keep America safe when they can’t even secure the White House?

That’s our poll question for this week. I hope you’ll give your opinion.

We can all be happy that we have the right to gather and speak out in defense of America. I know this is a busy time of year, but if there’s any way you can attend tomorrow’s rally at Foley Square to protest KSM being tried in civil court in NYC, please do. It’s from noon to 2PM.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Many of the news articles today are about yesterday's vote on same sex marriage. It certainly is interesting to read how different papers portray the vote, I fail to understand why the NY Times considers voting to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman as discrimination. I have a simple question for the New York Times: If we are supposed to accept that abortion is settled law, why isn't the definition of marriage? Voters in 31 states have rejected same sex marriage and given the opportunity so would voters in New York.

The influence of the NY Times is wanning as voters are exposed to other media outlets. Many who only had time to read one newspaper find it possible to read a variety of papers on line or spend time driving listening to talk radio. Voters are becoming more vocal at the polls as a result.

We all understand this is a busy time of year, but please, if at all possible, plan to attend this Saturday's Rally at Foley Square from Noon to 2:00 PM to protest KSM being tried in civil court in NYC.

The NY Post has a few choice words for Congressman Maurice Hinchey. And John Faso opines on the "reforms" in Albany.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How did your Senator vote on Same Sex Marriage? Click here Our sincere thanks to all of you who stood up for marriage.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Will New York State's legislators finally come to an agreement on budget cuts? John Faso had some good ideas, however, don't expect the Members to pass them.

Tom Carroll supports Mayor Bloomberg's seven point plan for New York's schools.

The Cap and Trade Bill should be given a second, third and forth look before ever being considered in light of the growing email scandel. A good analysis of the climate changes can be found here.

The Bullying method of government has its consequences and there is sure to be more as bullying becomes even more prominent in government.

Arlen Spector is at it again! Hey, Senator, the clock is ticking!

Cal Thomas brings Dr. Stephen Frasier's concers on the pending Health Care Bill to the forefront.

Some of Thomas Sowell best columns are titled: Random Thoughts