I was impressed with Mitt Romney’s speech last night, and I
certainly wasn’t the only one. Fred Barnes says he “aced the convention test,” while John Podhoretz applauds
Romney’s “straight appeal to swing voters.”
Here is the full speech.
I have to say, the Republicans put on a good show this week
and highlighted a number of strong conservative voices that will lead the party
into the future.
Here is a database of all the week’s speeches.
(One is missing though: Mia Love from Utah, whose speech you
can find here.)
As the New York Post states, “If the Republican Party has in
fact declared a war on women, the parade of high-profile female speakers at the
party’s national convention this week suggests strongly that the women are
All of the Republican Convention speeches provided a good
deal of hope for what the Washington Times describes as “Obama’s Diminished
And John Bolton delivered an important address on
reasserting U.S. power that should not be overshadowed by the convention
I’m sure Sheldon Silver would be thrilled to let the
conventions (and the start of the football season) overshadow his latest ethics
scandal... but it’s looking more and more like this story is not going away.
What’s your overall impression? Was Shelly Silver just
trying to do the right thing, or is he rotten to the core? Vote now in our new
Weekly Poll.
And have a great (long) weekend!