Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

Here it is, your “Weekly Wrap-Up” – the Fiscal Cliff Edition! Has there been anything else in the news this week?

Charles Krauthammer wonders why Republicans are playing along with the Democrats’ latest crusade for tax hikes.

George Will explains how the fiscal cliff fits perfectly in the Democrats’ agenda. 

The GOP is getting a stern warning from conservatives.

And National Review has a message for Republicans: Don’t be lemmings.

The Heritage Foundation offers “Six Fixes to America’sFiscal Crisis.

A lesson from Great Britain on what happens when you “tax the rich.”

The Wall Street Journal explains Obama’s real fiscal problem– the lack of growth in our economy.

According to Kimberly Strassel, also writing in the Journal, with his initial “compromise” proposal, “The White House this week finally explained just how serious it is about averting a fiscal cliff that could throw the country back into a recession. The answer: not serious at all.”

What do you think is the most important part of avoiding the “fiscal cliff” and preventing another recession? Vote today in our new Weekly Poll.

And have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The NY Post  is absolutely right in questioning what Governor Cuomo is thinking regarding his plans to close Indian Point nuclear  power plant.

Another revenue set back for New Yorkers.   This is the problem with finding "new" revenue streams, they dry up and the expenditures don't.  What worries me and should worry every New Yorker, is what will Legislators dream up to replace the dwindling cigarette tax revenue....guaranteed it will be another dangerous and bad idea.

What will the Senate look like if there is a coalition?  The Daily News wants to know and Liz Benjamin looks at the constitutional questions.

Read what Chairman Long has to say about the probability of a coalition.

Natural Gas developers are fighting back in New York, finally.

Senator Tom Coburn has a plan to save money, obviously Senator Reid does not have a plan, nor does he bother to read Senator Coburn's plan.  (Here's a video for Sen. Reid, this way he just has to listen.)Over three years and the Senate still has not passed a budget, but voters continue to let them get away with it.  Three quarters of the voters in New York gave both New York Senators a pass and continue to do so every day by not demanding they do their JOB!  Senator Reid, while unable and unwilling to pass a budget even with the majority wants even more power for his chamber......the Heritage Foundation says we can make his power grab work for us.

Once again, Senator Reid and the rest of you who want to tax the rich:  tax hikes will only fund 8 days of government.

Listen up President Obama, Senator and Congressmen:  Americans do not want government run health care.  Another win, albeit it may be temporary, for religious freedom.  Read what Great Britain is doing when sick babies are born.  This could be our future, if we remain silent.

GOP beware:  Obama is setting a trap for you.  Let's hope his fellow GOP'ers  listen and understand  what Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner is saying because he gets it....remember make a fool of me once, shame on you, make a fool of me twice, shame on me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How many times must it be said, Washington does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.  Republicans must stand strong!  Grover Norquist is right!  The pledge (a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something:) that Members or future Members signed was not about him, it was and is about the future of America.  Compromise and believing that spending cuts will come later is the exact reason we are facing the fiscal crisis' of today.  If the Republicans who signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge abandon the pledge they made, for example Congressman Chris Gibson and Congressman Richard Hanna here in New York, rest assured they will be hoodwinked by the left and the Lefts agenda will turn America into Greece.  Frankly, I thought the battlefield in Washington would be easier than the Middle East battlefield, and Congressman Gibson wouldn't  have given  up on America so easily.  If he abandons his pledge to his constituents, he obviously is abandoning the fight for the American Dream.  By the way, last time I checked, a pledge does not have an expiration date.

The British are leaving  England due to the high taxes.  A while back we posted how the French were leaving France for the same reason.  Californians are leaving California, New Yorkers have left New York and yet some Congressman believe abandoning their pledge will solve the problem.  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.  Ronald Reagan regretted agreeing to higher taxes in the belief that spending cuts would be adopted.  The spending cuts never came and neither did the immigration reform promised if he would just this once allow for amnesty.  Democrats are good at making promises then abandoning them, now unfortunately Republicans seem to be following the same path.

And apparently it is not only in Washington that Republicans are forgetting what they stand for.  The New York Times reports today that Senator Jeff Klein and his Independent Coalition favors a GOP Coalition in the State Senate.  This is not good news for conservatives  and those who think fiscally conservative.  A coalition means I'll give you what you want if you give me what I want.   Trust me, Senator Klein isn't forming a coalition without getting the groups most favored legislation.  Since the latest articles on the still open 46th Senate District looks like it will remain in the democratic column,  this coalition is not going to be good for the taxpayers  and conservatives in New York state.

Take a look around America and look at the changes happening:  Marriage is in decline, dogs are protected by domestic violence orders, and a person who killed a puppy goes to jail while a woman who demands free birth control and the morning after pill  is celebrated by TIME magazine as a possible person of the year.

It doesn't surprise me that most Americans do not even take the time to vote.  It certainly disappoints me that most Americans are allowing our elected officials to quickly bring about the demise of the greatest nation ever created by men who understood the value of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesdays with Walter E. Williams and bonus Thomas Sowell column. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When you think of someone or a family as being poor, what is the image that you see?  Homeless? Unable to afford health insurance?   Certainly not a family with a plasma television.  Prepare yourself as you learn the new definition of poor according to our government.  Poverty, and the government programs dedicated to eliminating poverty, are here forever more.

That explains why Congress and this Administration is determined to hike  the tax rate on the "rich".  The Heritage Foundation explains why Warren Buffett is wrong on tax hikes. 

The debt is even worse than we have been told, far greater than the $16 trillion. 

With all of the debt and talk of changes, is your mortgage interest deduction safe?

And just in case you think the world is against Grover Norquist, you should  read these two articles;  here and here, in fact the  NY Sun calls it Norquist's Finest Hour.  Grover Norquist can obviously defend himself.

Let's hope that Governor Cuomo truly understands what he says when he says “Put it simply,” Cuomo said. “The people of this state cannot afford to pay any more taxes — period.”

It isn't  a secret that New York is considering expanding Casino Gambling by having voters decided in the voting booth by amending the State Constitution.  Currently 7 casinos are being considered, will the number expand because of the economic losses suffered as a result of Superstorm Sandy's devastation?  Is this any way to solve economic problems?

This is not good news for New Yorkers!   Governor the State needs money and people need jobs!  Seriously, do you think Casinos are better than becoming energy independent?

Wise words written by David Limbaugh. 

More wise words from Dennis Prager.

Tuesday's with Thomas Sowell.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Heritage Foundation writes about Egypt's President Morsi's lunge for dictatorship, not much of a surprise to us nor anyone who is aware of the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The timing was the only surprise, the praise of Hillary Clinton were still echoing when Morsi declared that all his decisions were not subject to the laws of Egypt.  Freedom loving Egyptians have made their voice heard in the streets of Cairo and today, there may be a glimmer of hope that Morsi will rescind his declaration.

The Cabinet shuffle begins.

Since 1966 a cigarette package has carried the warning "Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health" and in the last 46 years that message has become a mantra about just how dangerous smoking is to ones health.  Cigarette taxes have increased, smokers can't smoke indoors, and in some outdoor areas, yet people continue to smoke despite the 46 year campaign to enlighten people to the danger of smoking.  Enter Blair Horner, vice president for advocacy for the American Cancer Society for New York and New Jersey, who is defending a program that uses your tax dollars to give to medicaid patients up to $250 on a debit card to get healthy.  The inmates are running the asylum and using your money to do so.  Chairman Long calls the program outrageous, as should every New Yorker and American.

While government is trying to micromanage our daily lives, it often does so with many programs that duplicate the same goals.  While the Conservative Party does not believe in government's long term programs to provide untold benefits to otherwise healthy individuals, it makes sense to combine New York's programs.  Some of New York's families who are truly in need, would benefit by unifying the delivery system under Medicaid.  Read what Russell Sykes has to say here.  Normally, anything the federal government proposes is something to run far away from, but Sykes makes a pretty good case for streamlining. But, Sykes' idea  is also tied into the health exchanges that have their own problems.

Obamacare/Tax back in the news and this may be good news for those of us who want to see Obamacare defeated.

New York needs jobs, New Yorkers need jobs, why is the Governor stalling on hydrofracking?

Some New York Judges say 27% pay raise is insufficient.  Some New Yorkers would just like to have a job!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obviously President Obama is not concerned about spending, nor does want to end spending on failed ideas.  According to CNS News, he is giving away our hard earned tax dollars to Asia to promote clean energy. 

The Administration unveils Obamacare/tax regulations here. And the Manhattan Institute examines the "Pre-existing Condition Problem."

Diana Furchotgott-Roth writes how unions and environmentalists came together to damage the US economy, while the Heritage Foundation asks' the question "Should We Pay Government Employees More?"

The Obama Administration continues to  over-regulate; 102 new proposals yesterday.

How ironic is this?  In California (be aware of the fact that New York and California elected officials are very similar in thought processing, so this idea may be heading for New York) in many retail stores you have to show your ID in order to return items, yet you are not required to show ID when voting? 

Governor Andrew Cuomo likes to say "New York is open for business", yet the greatest legitimate business boom, one that helps us become more energy independent and is helping other states is being kept out of New York, by the decisions or lack of decisions being made by Governor Andrew Cuomo.  The very same Governor that apparently will not have a problem forcing small businesses to raise the minimum wage which results in fewer jobs.  New York is open for business?  Sorry Governor, actions speak louder than words.

This could be good news for criminals, not for the rest of us.

The meaning of Thanksgiving Day. 

Michelle Malkin writes about the generosity of Americans. 

The Wisdom of Upholding Tradition!  (An absolute must read)

Thomas Sowell's lighthearted look at travel and staying in hotels.

Wednesday's with Walter E. Williams.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!   CPNYS Salutes our Veterans for keeping America Safe and Secure,our Law Enforcement, First Responders and all those who have given and continue to give to those in need.  God Bless America. 

We will post again on Monday.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Federal disability payments now exceed Pentagon Procurement Payments, and the really disturbing news is that the number of people receiving disability payments has increased 29% over the last four years with no slowdown in the increasing rate in sight.

Also disturbing is an article in C/NET that Sen. Patrick Leahy has  rewritten his Bill on Americas' email privacy that now gives 22 federal agencies the ability to access accounts without a search warrant. (By the way, the accounts in postings on Facebook.)

CBS News is reporting that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence cut the al Qaeda reference (any reason why we should believe CBS News who has been derelict in reporting the truth?) The  DesMoines Register wants the Obama Administration to come clean on Benghazi.  The Weekly Standard opines on Larry Bell's summary of unanswered questions.  And the Heritage Foundation asks the question:  Who altered the Benghazi talking points.  Maybe Leahy's new rewritten bill (if passed as proposed) will get us the answers Americans deserve regarding the cold-blooded murder of 4 Americans; actually it may be the only way to get honest answers since this Administration is quite incapable of doing so.  (This does not mean that Senator Leahy's proposal is acceptable or should be passed, the very last thing Americans need is a government with free reign to spy on its citizenry; in fact, call Schumer and Gillibrand to urge a no vote:  202-224-3121.  While your at it, tell Senator Leahy to withdraw his Bill or click here.)

Law enforcement has been able to thwart terrorist plots without free reign to spy on all citizens and have been doing an excellent job keeping us safe.  Kudos to them for being able to protect us within the confines of personal liberty. 

The NY Post Editorial shares our concerns with a post-election legislative session, nothing good will be achieved in post-election sessions. 

Tuesdays with Thomas Sowell.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Daily Caller is reporting that our government is promoting welfare to new immigrants in welcoming material distributed by them.  This fact in itself is difficult for hard working Americans to embrace (after all doesn't everyone who comes to America legally want to live the American Dream and become rich by working hard) but when you read what welfare is costing hard working Americans, your reaction, understandably, will be to demand that this effort to promote welfare cease immediately.  Call Senators Schumer and Gillibrand at 202-224-3121 and let them know you want this practice to end.  But alas, it will most likely fall on deaf ears since they approve of giving away our money  and the election cycle is over for now.

More information on entitlement spending is here

Who will pay the brunt of Obamacare/tax?   According to Stephen Moore  those with incomes less than $120,000.

President Obama says interesting things when outside of the United States, does he forget that in today's world we will know immediately what he is saying.  Mr. President,  you really don't have to worry about imposing your will on Congress, you have demonstrated that you do what you want via Executive Orders. 

George J. Marlin assess the Catholic Vote. 

The Heritage Foundation examines the  conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Ralph Peters:  It's Not Adding Up.

The NY Post Editorial makes some very good points, regarding Sandy's aftermath...government must help but cannot be wasteful.  Help getting peoples lives back together, with essentials, then take a long hard look at what governments role should be.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

Now they’ve done it: Big Labor has killed the Twinkie.

Maybe the “War on Women” theme of the Democrats 2012 campaign didn’t convince all women. Even a liberal Democrat like Kirsten Powers is getting fed up

Meanwhile Richard Grenell offers a serious look at SusanRice’s record – and finds it lacking. 

President Obama has dared Republicans to “go after me” on the Benghazi scandal, as the New York Post points out. Here’s hoping Republicans will accept the challenge.

Do you think the truth will ever come out about what happened in the Benghazi debacle? Vote today in our new Weekly Poll. (This will be the question for the next two weeks, as we take a break next Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.)

More post-election recriminations, explanations and analysis...

After hearing Mitt Romney’s comments on Obama winning by offering “gifts” to his most loyal voting blocs, John Podhoretz says “Mitt Still Doesn’t Get It.”

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal agrees, saying Republicans “need to continue to show how our policies help every voter out there achieve the American Dream.”

Rich Lowry warns that amnesty is not the answer.

As the “fiscal cliff” approaches, here is an informative take on why lower tax rates are good for everyone.

But will Republicans remember the virtues of lower taxes – or cave to Democrats’ demands for tax hikes?

We’ll see if Congress can hammer out a deal we can be thankful for. Until then, have a great weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Benghazi Hearings begin in Congress and hopefully they will ask the questions our free press are apparently to afraid to ask.  At President Obama's presser yesterday, you would think the members of the WH Press Corps lived in the Soviet Union, absolutely disgraceful in the lack of serious questions.  Why was there no follow up to this statement by President Obama?  If I had been at the Presser, trust me, I would not have been ignored and I would have asked him, "since you knew it was a terrorist attack within hours, why did you send her out to do five major shows with the wrong information before just days before election day?"  That is what a free press asks its President!  Maybe Fox News should transfer Greta to the WH Press Corps, she has the right reaction to the President's statement here.

The Heritage Foundation has a few more questions as to rethinking American security after Benghazi.

Daniel Henninger has an excellent analysis of the Obama win in the Wall Street Journal.  So does Karl Rove.
Rove ends his column with the attitude of Conservative Super PAC's "The fight goes on; beat 'em next time" and so we will! As Jonah Goldberg writes, "The Right Isn't Waving a White Flag."

Seriously, not one vote?  Doesn't anyone in the 59 Philadelphia districts read Thomas Sowell or Walter E. Williams?  Or was it a version of voter fraud and there are many kinds of voter fraud as this American Thinker article points out.

The Senate Democrats want more stimulus money.  They can't pass a budget, yet they continue to double-down.  Every member of the Senate and House should look at this chart.

Betsy McCaughey has more on Obamacare/tax here. 

What the President wants is also more of the same; more spending and higher taxes. 

Every elected official, especially Governor Andrew Cuomo, should be required to read this article.

Some people are incapable of learning and continue to misuse their office.

Oh boy, SUNY is already asking for a 13% increase from the state.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

According to the Heritage Foundation, President Obama is doing what he does best; circumventing Congress when he can't get his way by issuing Executive Orders.  Read about his latest grab for more power here.

Spending in October runs a $120B deficit.

Will Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President, Richard Fisher, stand strong?

Part of the reason some school taxes are so outrageous is the salaries paid to administrators.  Word to the wise;  common sense dictates one should examine school budgets before one votes for them.

The Moreland Commission will investigate Superstorm Sandy's aftermath ...even before they begin investigating the problems, I guarantee the conclusion will be more money is needed to upgrade power grid systems.  If LIPA had not been saddled with the cost of  Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant, isn't it possible some improvements may have been made?  "The Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant operated intermittently over a period of two years, resulting in approximately two full power days by the time of its shutdown in June, 1989. On Feb. 28, 1989, after more than two years of negotiations and aborted deals, Governor (Mario) Cuomo and LILCO Chairman William J. Catacosinos signed off on an agreement that would shutter the plant forever but that made ratepayers shoulder the responsibility for most of its costs" (emphasis added by cpnys)  Read more about LIPA and Shoreham here.  The NY Post wants to know why long vacant board seats on LIPA have gone unfilled by  the current Governor Cuomo.  Considering the role of his father, it should be very interesting to watch how this unfolds.

Meanwhile the cost of Sandy is wreaking havoc on local budgets as well as the state budget. 

Congressman Bob Turner and Chairman Mike Long speak about the devastation that Breezy Point sustained.

Bonus Thomas Sowell article here.

Wednesday's with Walter E. Williams..... his take on price gouging.   

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Heritage Foundation spells out the threats of the looming Lame Duck Congress and to be honest it isn't very encouraging.  In fact, while I am certain America will survive the next four years, I am also certain we have to be ever vigilant in order to preserve what has made America unique.  Conservatives must become more vocal and more tech savvy because the media is doing everything possible to chastise the conservative movement.

Sen. Kerry to become Secretary of Defense?  This is what the NY Sun thinks of that insulting idea and we wholeheartedly agree with the NY Sun.

The President meets with labor leaders before he meets with Congress, shouldn't it be the other way around?  President Obama best be aware of this simple fact when meeting with the labor leaders.

And President Obama must take Europe's economic problems into consideration (but I seriously doubt he will) when discussing the looming fiscal cliff we are facing.

Mr. President, do you manage your personal expenses in the same way you manage America's?   

American Enterprise Institute looks at the tax hikes that will "really hurt."

The best way to raise revenue:  GROW the economy!

The NY Post  is looking for answers regarding General Petraeus.

Tuesday's with Thomas Sowell.....a great column on "nice losers"!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Conservative Party of New York State SALUTES all Veterans who have served our beloved Country.  We thank you and your family for all the sacrifices you have made and continue to make; without you, our freedom to be would be lost forever.

The Heritage Foundation salutes today's Armed Forces, those who choose to serve, and with the story of just one of the brave who serve in today's war.  Take the time to listen to his story, then realize it is only one of thousands.  Untold heroism that must never be forgotten.

Two weeks after Sandy and New York is still without power, Nicole Gelanis gives her thoughts on why so many are still without electricity.  The Red Cross calls its response "nearly flawless",  these  people, I believe would disagree with Red Cross's self assessment.  LIPA, VP, Nicholas Lizanich, is completely clueless.   As of now, over 73,000 homes still without power.

Governor Cuomo announces new hotline for insurance help: 800-339-1759 -

According to, the Administration proposed an average of 68 regulations a day in the 90 days before the elections, now that they have 4 more years, we can only imagine what they will do.

Where does it say taxpayers should be paying for this?

Congressman Peter King has some serious questions regarding the Petraeus resignation.

Be prepared:  Here are tax brackets for 2013.

More on the Fiscal Cliff here and here.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

As we close this week there’s one question dominating the news: What went wrong for Republicans?

I’m not sure I agree 100% with Charles Krauthammer on the immigration issue, but overall he makes a good point in urging Republicans not to sacrifice their principles: “The country doesn’t need two liberal parties.

In the Washington Examiner, Byron York says it’s all aboutthe candidate.

And an Examiner editorial looks at the demographic shaping America, but argues that “Republicans' demise may not be at hand just yet.”

In the New York Post John Podhoretz mixes strange references to dancing and Star Trek to suggest it’s all a matter of timing... 

The Washington Times sees a bright side for the Republicans thanks to the some key conservative victories on Election Day...

... and the Times already views Obama as a “lame duckpresident”...

What do you think went wrong for Republicans? Give your expert analysis in our new Weekly Poll.

We shouldn't need a panel of TV pundits to get this message: Hold on to your wallets – because of course Harry Reid and the Democrats think they have a post-election mandate to grab more of our money.

Via the Drudge Report, we learn there’s good talk coming from the GOP leadership in the House and Senate as negotiations over the looming “fiscal cliff” get underway: No tax hikes. Let’s hope that’s not all talk.

Mark Tapscott of the Examiner wants to make the “talk” a matter of public record. As politicians call for “compromise," he proposes a smart idea for calling their bluff: No closed doors. Here is the case for public, 100% transparent and open negotiations over “Taxmageddon.”

And then there’s Obamacare, which would seem to have been locked in after Obama’s reelection. Not so fast, says the Heritage Foundation. They take a look at what the election means for socialized health care, and find that it’s not a hopeless situation.

And we can’t allow Obama’s reelection victory to overshadow the deadly defeat delivered to America in the Benghazi attacks – and how the Obama Administration’s incompetence contributed to the chaos.  

But as we end the week we absolutely can’t forget what should be the biggest important story in America, no matter who won the White House or Congress: Hurricane Sandy, which is still causing untold suffering in New York and New Jersey.

If you or somebody you know still needs help, this is a good place to start.

Hopefully you and your family have recovered from Sandy or weren’t affected in the first place, and you can find a way to have a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Well Chris Matthews may call it an apology, but, that is no apology as far as most are concerned.    Matthews has a long history of saying insensitive things, but his remarks on Sandy really crosses the line.  As Michael Starr writes in the NY Post, Matthews galling gaffe visibly shocked co-anchor Rachael Maddow, prompting him to try and reel it back, to no avail.  Why does MSNBC let him get away with such callous remarks, seriously, isn't it time to fire Chris Matthews?   The New York Post Editorial isn't a fan of Chris Matthews either.

If the Republican Congress does not keep its word on not raising taxes, rest assured America will become Europe, despite the fact that Europe is close to collapsing.

The Heritage Foundation writes about President Obama's top 5 immediate problems.

And they still get taxpayer money!

And President Obama continues to travel abroad when there is a fiscal crisis looming.  Let's see, two days after election day and instead of announcing that meetings have been set up to tackle the fiscal cliff, he is announcing a trip to Burma (and other Asian countries) to mark 180 years of diplomatic relations and reaffirm the strength of our alliance.  Yup, that's going to solve our fiscal crisis.

Hours after Obama win, US backs UN Arms Treaty talks.  

Time to rearrange the deck chairs.

The Washington Examiner writes about the brutal truth, saying in part "It doesn’t follow from this though that the way for the Republican Party to win again is reject conservatism."  Could not agree more!!!

Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams have there usual wisdom.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Mandate!

Americans went to the polls and re-elected President Barack Obama who in his remarks last night said "I am looking forward to reaching out and  working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together."    Time will tell if he keeps his word.

The Heritage Foundation said it well this morning.  "Yes, conservatives are disappointed that a President who recklessly spent trillions, expanded government and put many of our values and institutions at risk has won a second term. But many of us have been here before. In Washington, there are no permanent victories or permanent defeats, just permanent battles.  Now is the time to stand up and declare we will continue to fight against big government and for freedom."

And we will because we must, if we conservatives give up the fight, America as we know it, will never be the same. We will regroup and we will prevail....we will find a modern day William Wallace and take back our government. 

(The Blog does not want to link to articles today, so we will be back.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

This from Wendy Long when she voted earlier today:  "This morning when I went to vote, a poll worker who was at the scanner, studied my private ballot and proceeded to tell me that it was rejected because I did not 'fill in every space.' She then proceeded to indicate that I should mark the Democratic line all the way down."

 Beware of those who want to "steal" your vote.

US per person debt 35% higher than Greece!

Military Officers support Mitt Romney, they know what is best for our Armed Forces and they want Romney. 

Election Day 2012

The NY Post has election information here. 
The Washington Examiner has information here
Heritage Foundation on the importance of voting.

 If you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for?  In New York State, send a message to elected officials by voting on the Conservative line --- Vote Row C!!

Tuesday's with Thomas Sowell.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is the day to make your voice heard loud and clear.

In the aftermath of Sandy, the last thing on the minds of those who are homeless and who have lost so very much, is to go vote.  Voting in Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester will be difficult to say the least.  If you can help out in anyway, please let campaigns know.  Now, more than ever, every vote that can be cast, must be cast.  

Sandy's wrath continues here, here, here, and   here

Wendy Long asks the question, why not use cruise ships for emergency accommodations?  

Should FEMA be in charge? 

How to have your poll numbers drop like a rock, deservedly so. 

Here is what Senator Ruben Diaz said about voting on the Conservative Line "You should know that I’ve spent a lot of money and resources this year on different Hispanic radio stations and media outlets to air a commercial asking for the Hispanic Community to cast their votes on the Conservative Party line in this year’s General Election on Tuesday November 6th."  Senator Diaz has a commercial on WAPA America TV encouraging the Hispanic Community to vote on the Conservative Line.  Click here to see you if you can get WAPA America TV.  

Read the full transcript of the 60 Minutes interview here   Bret Baier is right on target in his analysis of Banghazi.  Where was President Obama, we know he went to Las Vegas to raise money the next evening, but where was he during the Benghazi attack? 

Editorial Boards across America endorsing Mitt Romney, including the NY Daily News, Newsday (yes, that says Newsday, the Long Island Newsday), the Washington Examiner,   and of course, the New York Post.   

What do you think, was Reuters being fair? 

The economy, the debt, America's defense system and this, (remember Obama's plan for the Supreme Court all great reasons to vote on the Conservative Party line for Romney/Ryan and Wendy Long.  Heritage Foundation also makes the case for the Electoral College. 

Watch this video,  send it to anyone who , at this late date,  could possibly be thinking of voting for President Obama and ask them, do you really want America to fail?

Vote tomorrow as if you life depends on it, because it does!  Send the politicians a message "cut the spending and values matter" by voting on the Conservative Line.  


Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Every four years we are told that the coming election is the most important of one’s life,” writes Charles Krauthammer. “This time it might actually be true.”  Read his take on “The Choice” here...

This seems like a good time to revisit President Reagan’s 1964 speech, “A Time for Choosing.”

In his speech Reagan said, “This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.” 

As a nation, we face that choice again. Let’s hope Americans make the right choice this Tuesday.

The Washington Times makes “The Case Against Obama,” while Peggy Noonan considers “How Far Obama Has Fallen.”

But this blistering editorial from the Las Vegas Review-Journal is the final word on the utter failure of Barack Obama.

The best quote, possibly of the entire election season: “To return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion... would be disastrous.”

Amidst all the last-minute campaign coverage is the scandal that the “mainstream” media won’t touch – dubbed “Benghazigate” by the Washington Times.

Fox News has shown real courage in trying to get to the bottom of the Benghazi debacle. Their latest exclusive is here.

Do you think the media’s refusal to cover “Benghazigate” or to question the Obama Administration on what really happened shows the media’s liberal bias? Give your opinion in our new Weekly Poll.

Via Drudge we have this chart showing unemployment is higher than when Obama took office...

Here is a look at what these numbers mean for the economy, and for the presidential candidates...

Here is a case of misplaced priorities... power for the New York City Marathon while displaced, devastated New Yorkers sit powerless in the dark and cold. Outrageous.

Have a nice weekend, and to those still suffering the aftereffects of Sandy know that plenty of thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Democratic Senator Ruben Diaz endorses our US Senate candidate, Wendy Long!  Today, US Senate candidate, Wendy Long, was on Fred Dicker's Radio program again, holding her own against a tough interviewer.  Read about it here and listen to the whole interview here.

Benghazi, still so many unanswered questions and so many news agencies ignoring the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty on September 11, 2012.

Just how much is President Obama spending compared to what government spent during the WWII years?
Who benefits from his spending, all Americans or just insiders?

Would President Obama do this?

 A true hero. 

The Washington Post looks at the devastation in Breezy Point. 

Click here for help.

Hurricanes and Human Choice.

Larry Edler:  What Do I Tell My Child if Obama Loses?