Thursday, January 24, 2013

"What difference does it make?"  What difference does it make, ask the families that Secretary Clinton.  Your presence on the Hill was worthy of an Academy Award and both Committees shirked their responsibility:  we, the American public, could have asked better questions without the self-serving statements.  Read John Podhoretz take on Secretary Clinton's testimony here. More on Clinton's testimony in the Washington Examiner here.

Keystone XL Pipeline is back in the news.  What will President Obama do this time since the recovery is officially the worst EVER!

This is an interesting statistic and another explanation as to why your taxes are so high.

In case your liberal friends do not understand the federal debt problem, let them watch this short video  I like to call Federal Debt for Dummies.

When did our form of government fall into the hands of ONE person and a person that has abdicated his responsibility for over three years?  Today's Heritage Foundation tells us about the urgent danger in the US Senate.

Ryan Smith:  The Reality That Awaits Women in Combat.

This from Bob McManus's column in today's NY Post regarding the NYS Budget: "Again, it’s a plan dedicated to his interests and not to the economic well-being of the Empire State."  The rest of the column can be read here.

According to Eric Kriss even the Governor thinks New York is in a tax hell. 

Parents beware.

Larry Elder explains why he cancelled his subscription toEbony.

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