Here are reasoned, rational takes on the debt ceiling debate from Thomas Sowell and The Washington Times...
And from The Weekly Standard we have instant analysis on the latest developments...Meet the Obama Economy. This is a grim reminder that our current economic problems didn’t start with this debt ceiling boondoggle... and more proof that regardless of how the debt debate turns out, serious change isn’t possible until we elect a new President.
In other news...
Has everyone seen this story about how John Kerry’s staunchest advocate in the “Swift Boat” saga of 2004 has been stripped of his Silver Star by the Navy? I’m just amazed this hasn’t received more coverage in the media – aren’t you? (Note the heavy sarcasm there.)
We can’t forget this very real threat to America: Islamic fanaticism that has already taken thousands of lives and almost took more.“Say goodbye to cars and trucks as you know them,” warns The Heritage Foundation as they analyze new regulations that would recklessly raise fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks to an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
Do you support the new standards being imposed by the Obama Administration? Or do you agree with the Conservative Party that America needs a new President who will repeal these dangerous regulations? Vote today in our new Weekly Poll.
And as always, have a nice weekend!