Monday, June 13, 2011

Over the weekend, the NY Post Editorial took Governor Cuomo to task regarding his decision to pander to illegals.

It seems to me, that if this article is accurate, Governor Cuomo is pandering to more than illegals. But who can be certain if Mr. Dicker's information is accurate?

A word of advice to Governor Cuomo: spend your capital on the real property tax cap. This is what is important to all New Yorkers -- then get to work on mandate relief and instead of pandering to those who do not fully understand hydrofracking, try educating them on let people get to work and make us energy independent.

America Needs the Shale Revolution.

By the way, Governor Cuomo, how do you take credit for a strong (?) ethics bill when you have done this?

They may think an "end run" could happen, however, the state executive committee passed the resolution, and many county chairmen are members of the state executive committee, so perhaps you should think again.

Mayor Bloomberg, you were elected Mayor, stop acting like a dictator.

Politics is in full bloom at and in the White House.

But Obama won't take a stand on Anthony, just thinks he is a distraction.

Thanks to the policies of this administration, if you were planning on retiring soon, you may have to wait until you are 80!

Just when you think the world has gone completely astray, you find someone who understands and stands up for moral values. Thank you, John Garvey!

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