Thursday, December 23, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

In the weeks to come, editorial boards and opinion writers will analyze the Lame Duck session just concluded. Some will be unhappy with the results believing Republicans capitulated and Democrats carried the day, but the majority will begin to call President Obama, the new “comeback kid” as they praise his accomplishments. He can savor his small gains this week, but the 112th Congress will be different. Americans called for good changes on November 2 and President Obama will be in for some rough sledding.

China is available to bailout Europe.

As we noted yesterday, states with no income taxes are the fastest growing states and will gain congressional seats. John Faso writes about the fallout in New York.

Governor Paterson gets one right in the last days of his administration.

The Poughkeepsie Journal praised Gov. Paterson’s temporary ban on hydrofracking saying it gives time to Mr. Cuomo to assess the situation. The NY Post believes hydrofracking could provide a clean source of energy and possibly thousands of jobs statewide. Vote in our poll and let us know what you think.

May your family surround you as you celebrate the Joy of Christmas. If members of your family are defending America in Iraq, Afghanistan, and South Korea or in active service and away from you, rest assured they will be in our prayers. We salute every member of our Armed Forces and are grateful for their service.

Merry Christmas.

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