Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a busy week here in New York, and there’s already been plenty of analysis of the 23rd District, and what it all means.

You’ve probably read most of it, and at this point you might even be tired of hearing about it – and as you’ll see from this week’s wrap-up, there are plenty of important issues still in play... which means there’s not much time for endless Monday morning quarterbacking.

I said this after the votes were counted: Conservatives didn’t lose the seat, the Republican Party lost the seat by picking and allowing and funding a candidate that wasn’t in any way, shape, or form respectful of Republican policies and principles.

If Republicans had nominated a true conservative – a real Republican – in the first place, that seat would be Republican today.

Bottom line is, it’s not our job to blindly follow any party establishment. Our job is to promote and defend conservative principles. That’s what we did this past Tuesday, and that’s what we’ll continue to do. I’m proud of our efforts.

And conservatives have a lot to celebrate in
Virginia (, New Jersey ( and Maine (

(And of course, some New Yorkers are very happy right now:

But more than anything, remember this: Our fight is far from over.

There could be a big battle this weekend, as Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are desperate to get a Saturday vote on their health care “reform” proposal:

This government takeover of health care will raise taxes and cost jobs – and as the latest unemployment figures show, that’s something we can’t afford. Unemployment is now up above 10 percent:

And you know all the promises and all the facts and figures we’ve been hearing from the Obama Administration about the liberals’ health care agenda – how their plan won’t cost too much, how it will provide coverage for all? Think you can trust them? Think again.

Just look at how they’ve fudged the numbers about the stimulus bill, and how many jobs were “created or saved” by this massive spending spree:

You can trust the Conservative Party to take on the political establishment and the liberals, and to do what’s right for New York’s taxpayers.

Thanks for all your support, and have a great weekend.

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