Monday, December 17, 2012

Nothing we can say will help stop the pain and horror of Friday afternoon's carnage in Connecticut.  No words will ever explain the inexplicable, no one will ever truly know why 20 children will never return to their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members.  Another piece of innocence was taken from all of America on Friday, another act of depraved indifference to the sanctity of life took place on Friday and all weekend the reaction has been predictable.  Yes, President Obama, these tragedies must end.  And they must end now, hopefully by fully returning to the Judeo-Christian values that were the basis of our Constitution that  formulated this great nation and understand that victims rights must outweigh criminal rights.  The Founding Fathers could have put any ideal in the First Amendment and Second Amendment, yet they chose religion and self-defense,  isn't it time we do so also?

The NY Sun  opines so does the NY Post.

Guns should not be the only consideration to end the tragedies. 

Senator Jim DeMint has big shoes to fill, but Congressman Tim Scott may just be the right fit!

This is why people do not approve of Congress.  Take care of the people who need the help, the people who need to be able to live in a home with heat and electricity, Sandy's Relief fund certainly should not contain money for Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico fisheries, nor repair jobs at Kennedy Space Center. Disaster relief is disaster relief, nothing more should be in the bill.

How convenient.

Taxes have consequences, too.

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