Wednesday, November 17, 2010

CNN Money is reporting the cost of unemployment benefits over the last three years. Lawmakers are being asked to extend them again before November 30 or two million will lose the extended benefits....hopefully they will not extend them and the entrepreneurial spirit of America will be the true engine to end the fiscal malaise of unemployment.

Bobby Jindal on "American Rights, American Responsibilities".

Let's hope that the delay in the scheduled meeting to discuss the Bush Tax Cuts until November 30 are not tied to extending the unemployment benefits.

Thank you Sen. Kyl. Thank you Sen. DeMint.

Political is reporting that the GOP is finally listening to the people.

Nicole Malliotakis, Staten Island's newest Assembly Member, come to Albany.

How NOT to solve New York's fiscal crisis. Take a look at Oneida County if you have any doubts.

File this under: we told you this would happen.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Isn't this a little too late?

This should have been written prior to November 2...a little late now as many voters apparently have a short attention span. Maybe Goodwin should break it out on the Monday before every election day. While Goodwin writes in a "better world" some things could have happened....I believe he could have, should have been more forceful prior to November 2....certainly Congressman Rangel did not say or do anything since November 2 that changed the facts! Unfortunately, the NY Post Editorial is right, "no one should expect more than a mild rebuke".

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