Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year is here and a new administration in New York State. We sincerely wish Governor Andrew Cuomo well and hope that his fiscal conservative policies are adopted for the sake of all New Yorkers, but the task won't be easy. His Inaugural Address is here, for your review and his State of the State will be linked to sometime Wednesday or when available. Many reviews of his Inaugural Address are here. A well deserved kudos to the Albany Times Union for their coverage.

Governor Cuomo is setting a good example by cutting his own salary by 5%, as well as some of his Executive Staff.

E. J. McMahon reiterates the need for spending and property caps.

New York is not the only state facing serious fiscal problems. And the Heritage Foundation believes "No bailouts for Government Unions".

Thanks, Mr. McManus, couldn't have said it better myself.

And just in case you missed this over the weekend, another Senator seems to let our tax dollars disappear in his member item list.

Governor Cuomo, maybe instead of the Executive Order for Ethics Training, which is for Chamber Staff and top state officials, you should consider a eliminating Member Items from the Executive and Legislative Budgets, thereby saving tax payers and eliminating the temptation. Just a thought for consideration.

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