Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well tonight is the night. Will President Obama pivot and pirouette or will he just say the words he believes Americans want to hear? Sounds to me that he will be in campaign mode, selling the same goods that worked last November. Hope lies in the fact that we are a much wiser nation after his first year in office.

"What was that Mr. President, you didn't sign off on what?"

AG Eric Holder did this on his own? If so, he should be fired immediately.

Senator Schumer, STOP wasting our money! New Yorkers, isn't it time for a real change?

Governor Paterson, Senators and State Assemblymen, here is $55 million for you to collect and if they paid the other cigarette taxes they owe, you would have even more to close the deficit.

Sorry about being a day late posting Thomas Sowell.

We will need your help on this. It is a very dangerous proposal and should be stopped. Just look at the problems in California since they legalized "medical" marihuana. We will issue an "Memo in Opposition" early next week.

1 comment:

  1. take your heads out of you assholes and come into the 21st century. what makes you think pot is the devil weed, alcohol is much worse and it is legal you should address your efforts to the problems caused by alcohol in this society which are 10000x worse than any problems caused by pot, in the end pot will be legalized all u have to do is look at prohibition that worked real well didn't it Assholes
