Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the New York Governor's race, one candidate seems to have a problem remembering the facts: Levy praises Cuomo and 'forgets' he was on the WFP line while his answers on a WFP questionnaire puts him at odds with conservative principles.

The Democrat controlled Assembly is looking to restore budget cuts and looking at new revenues sources.

This on top of what Washington is socking taxpayers with. Of course, some are exempt!!!
What would expect when rules are just made up in Congress. And Con. Dingell says Obamacare will eventually control the people. Think you won't be effected by the taxes, think again.

But New York's democratic controlled government at the state level, that is rapidly running out of money due (in large part) to the high cost of medicaid and will be further damaged by Obamacare is silent while other states take the necessary steps to protect themselves. Where is Governor Paterson? Attorney General Cuomo?

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