Today’s breaking news: Gov. Paterson won't run for reelection. Anyone surprised by this?
Anyone impressed with this week’s highly-touted Health Care Summit? Vote in our new Poll and give your opinion.
Here’s some analysis from Investor’s Business Daily, The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.
So where were New York’s elected leaders during this week’s sham Health Care Summit?
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was dishing out meaningless sound bites about health care reform.
“Senator Gillibrand believes that ignoring our health care crisis is simply not an option,” her spokesman bravely announces. What courage. Who, exactly, does believe that we should just ignore this issue? Let me be the first to explain to Sen. Gillibrand that opposing her “public option” crusade for socialized health care is not the same as ignoring this issue.
Sen. Chuck Schumer was grabbing the spotlight, of course, by vilifying doctors (some of them want to make money, Schumer has discovered – unlike our good Senator, who I’m sure has taken a vow of poverty in his selfless public service).
Rep. Charlie Rangel had other things on his mind...
Rep. Anthony Weiner was pushing a “single payer” health care system that would give the federal government complete, total and absolute control over our health care decisions. Of course, that’s working great in Europe and Canada...
Rep. Eric Massa believes ObamaCare isn’t liberal enough…
Rep. Louise Slaughter caused a stir with a sob story about dentures…
Oh, and she also tried her best to destroy the CIA...
Here in New York, taxpayers are just hoping the government will be kind enough to actually send out tax refunds…
As Big Government bureaucrats try to deny people the money they are owed, remember that the liberals want to trust all of our health care decisions to government bureaucrats.
Have a good weekend.