Monday, February 16, 2009

Legislators in Albany and the City Council in New York City are considering state income-tax hikes to close a budget gap, but at least one person in New York City knows how misguided the proposal is. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, on Saturday, certainly understood the problem with the concept of increasing the taxes on the "rich". The Mayor, said on his weekly radio show, that doing that would drive them from the city. Read more here:

Another problem in New York City is the "Madness of Rent Stablization". New Yorkers are subject to the most perverse rental situation in the nation. Read more here:

One may wonder why a person has a problem living in an apartment under rent stabilization, but you will understand when you read the following:

With the "Stimulus Bill" being signed tomorrow, we can rest assured that New York lawmakers will not be in a hurry to cut spending...the only true way to fix the economy. I don't know what you will do with your $13 a week, beginning in June, but I'm pretty sure it won't even buy a tank of gas, certainly not a pair of sneakers for your children, even though they will be paying for this all their life. One has to ask, is the $13 a week worth it? Of course the $13 is only until the first of the year, then it drops to $7.70. Read how the bill affects you here: and read about the "transparency" here: This bill is far more than a "stimulus bill"; it contains major policy changes and unfortunately we have not even been able to determine all of them it yet. Here is some on the Health Care changes:,_health_care_reform,_and_your_duty_to_die

and reversals in welfare reform: More to come as the changes become more apparent, unfortunately, the President will have signed it into law before we know all of the policy changes pushed thought by the far left.

For New Yorkers' the "Stimulus Bill" sadly means one very important thing: the Legislature will continue to spend at unsustainable rates.

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