Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Congress is currently holding hearings on the misuse of the original TARP funds, yet wasn't it Congress who rushed their release? Now they are trying to rush through a "stimulus bill" that contains untold items that has absolutely nothing to do with stimulating the economy. Over $800 billion of our money, our children's, grand children's and great-grand children's money is being allocated to things we really know nothing about and we are purposely not being told because the President and the Pelosi's of the world do not want us to know. Kudos to former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey for bringing some of it to light: Then read the story in the WSJ by Nadeem Esmail on "Too Old for Hip Surgery"

We must educate our friends and families on the latest hidden gems buried in the stimulus bill.

Is this the health care that President Obama wanted for his mother?

Well it is hard, earn a good salary and be overly taxed for it! All your hard work, earning a living that enables you to afford to buy items that keep others working is going to be taxed to enable government to redistribute what you earn. The New York Post Editorial points out the absurdity of what government wants to do.

E. J. McMahon has a good article on the importance of not raising the rate of personal income tax on New Yorkers as the unions and the Working Families Party are now demanding. They have begun airing ads calling for the wealthiest to pay their fair share.

Dave Ramsey (financial expert) was on Fox and Friends this AM with a symbolic bag of tea and asked the question if it was time for a new revolution. You decide.

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