Friday, January 16, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

If you ask me, there are two news stories that really define the past seven days…

First: President Bush’s farewell to the nation. He’s described it as “the ultimate exit interview” – and he has handled it like the true leader he is… the leader he will hopefully be recognized as in the years to come.

For a great overview of President Bush’s success in office, read this piece by Fred Barnes from The Weekly Standard.

I don’t agree with President Bush on every single issue, but we cannot deny that time and again, President Bush proved himself worthy of the highest office in the land.

In particular, as Mr. Barnes notes:

“[T]here's an aspect of his decision-making that merits special recognition: his courage. Time and time again, Bush did what other presidents, even Ronald Reagan, would not have done and for which he was vilified and abused. That--defiantly doing the right thing--is what distinguished his presidency.”

Read the transcript from President Bush’s final news conference for a few laughs (especially his ribbing of the reporter named “Suz-ahn”) and many great insights into the character and integrity of our 43rd President.

He hit on an issue that’s very important to me, and that should be important to all New Yorkers: Taxes. Here’s the President…

"I defended tax cuts when I campaigned, I helped implement tax cuts when I was President, and I will defend them after my presidency as the right course of action. And there's a fundamental philosophical debate about tax cuts. Who best can spend your money, the government or you? And I have always sided with the people on that issue."

The Conservative Party will always side with the people in this issue as well – and all year long we’ll be fighting the liberals’ crusade to take even more of your money.

Here’s the transcript of President Bush’s farewell address to the nation – another great read if you want to truly understand the President as a leader.

Here’s his administration in a nutshell, if you ask me…

“We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.”

President Bush never let his guard down, never lost his resolve. The result? “America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil.”

Keeping America safe is the President’s most important job – and it’s one we can tell President Bush took seriously. Here’s his message to our troops:

“And to all our men and women in uniform listening tonight: There has been no higher honor than serving as your Commander-in-Chief.”

Will Barack Obama say the same thing? Will he mean it? Will he stand up to the leftists in his Party like Rep. Barney Frank who want to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from our defense budget?

Let’s hope so – for everyone’s sake.

In his farewell address, President Bush also recognized a number of individuals who have worked to help others and better their communities.

“In citizens like these,” he noted, “we see the best of our country - resilient and hopeful, caring and strong.”

We saw that right here in New York City this week, as news reports filtered in of a plane down, drifting in the Hudson River.

We all feared the worst, but the flight crew did their best – and so did the passengers on Flight 1549.

The plane was carrying 155 people – including a 6-month old baby and an 85-year-old great-grandmother – and was piloted by Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger III, an Air Force veteran and experienced airman.

His calm and expertise probably saved 155 lives. Read about this “superhero” here…

Read this New York Daily News account of passengers helping each other, calming each other, and praying for each other.

To quote President Bush: “In citizens like these, we see the best of our country - resilient and hopeful, caring and strong.”

In that hope and resilience, that strength and caring, we see America.

May God bless us all as we inaugurate a new President and begin a new chapter in our nation’s history.

-- Mike

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