Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thomas Sowell writes of Race and Politics.

Congressman Henry Waxman is silent on David Axelrod's finances.

The media mentioned the recess appointment of Craig Becker, however I failed to see much on some of the others. This article may explain why.

Another success for President Obama? He has weakened the United States of America; obviously, the President believes gun control works...but history proves it only works for criminals. What is he thinking? The Heritage Foundation has it analysis of his approach to reduce nuclear arms. The New York Times stated in its article "But the president said in an interview that he was carving out an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” that have violated or renounced the main treaty to halt nuclear proliferation. " And this is supposed to make us feel safe? How? We do nothing to protect ourselves, in fact, under this administration, we do everything to weaken us, then if we feel threatened by Iran and North Korea we will be prepared? How? With what? Iran and North Korea are laughing all the way to their nuclear facilities.

Leave it to the WFP to want to punish success by proposing institute a "bonus tax". All they want is your money for failed programs.

The Bond Buyer writes about Comptroller DiNapoli's report.

California has more problems and if we do not get New York's spending under control, it is only a matter of time before the same problem reaches the east coast.

Liz Benjamin has a copy of a confidential memo sent to the state committee members of the Conservative Party.

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