Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No new news on the continuing saga of the state Senate. The Blogs have a few items, but nothing has been resolved and there is no scheduled session. It's anyone guess as to how long this will continue...

In Washington, DC it is another story.... the administration is doing all it can to change America as we knew it. The America that became the beacon of the free world, where anyone could be anything they set out to be...where industry was its strength and the ideas and dreams of ordinary people put men on the moon and the entire world at our fingertips and found cures for horrific diseases and has a standard of living the envy of the world ... that America is being changed by daily by an administration that seems to think everything America accomplished was trivial. He can make America truly great by changing America:

So with all that Washington, DC is doing to change America, perhaps it isn't so bad that there is no session upcoming for the state Senate.

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