Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekly Wrap-up

We’re seeing more and more how Barack Obama and his crew in Washington (and his allies here in New York) have little regard for checks-and-balances, open debate, the legislative process, the consent of the governed, the rule of law – for any of America’s founding principles...

Here’s the latest in judicial activism. Andrew Cuomo is thrilled, I’m sure, but most Americans are most likely very concerned about radical policies being imposed by unaccountable judges...

And anyone who doesn’t want to have their income redistributed or be “rationed” right out of existence should be concerned about Obama’s Hugo Chavez-like
recess appointment of left-wing socialized medicine extremist and “one man death panel” Donald Berwick...

What scares you the most about Donald Berwick’s radical views? Give your opinions in our Weekly Poll.

Anyone who, like all of us at the Conservative Party, put an emphasis on protecting America’s interests have to wonder about the much-heralded “spy swap” between the U.S. and Russia. What did the U.S. get out of this? How did our nation benefit? Or was this just another example of the Obama Administration’s pathetic efforts to make other countries like us, no matter what?

Elections are for little people, the Democrats seem to be saying as they plan to
completely disregard the upcoming midterms and impose their agenda whether the American people like it or not...

And the American people
don’t like it, that’s for sure...

The President would surely blame American un-exceptionalism for the public’s unenlightened views – and besides, no matter how low his poll numbers dip,
President Obama thinks highly enough of himself to make up the difference...

And does it really matter to the president what voters think?
The Obama Administration doesn’t seem very opposed to voter intimidation – at least not when leftists are doing the intimidating...

Some intimidation of our own here in New York, as
the Paterson Administration puts whistleblowers on alert.

Have a great weekend!

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