Friday, September 11, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

Did you see this week’s episode of The Obama Show? Another prime-time speech, another round of vague ideas, insults, misrepresentations and (as Rep. Joe Wilson put it in an understandable fit of anger) outright lies.

With just two words – “You lie!” – it seems as though Rep. Wilson is the far-left’s (i.e. the media’s) newest villain:

Funny, I don’t seem to recall such anger when the Democrats booed President Bush during his 2005 State of the Union address. The Drudge Report posted this video:

Here’s another good take on the liberals’ hypocrisy when it comes to criticizing the President:

What worries me most about this is the absolute silliness of the whole thing. One member of Congress loses his cool during a President’s speech (in which the President was calling opponents of his health care plan liars, remember) and it’s a national news story.

This is the sort of thing that would have easily been a huge event on September 10, 2001. But today? With terrorists still on the loose, and with our nation painfully aware of how far those terrorists will go to kill Americans? With our troops in Afghanistan facing an increasingly desperate and dangerous situation as they fight the very forces that struck New York on 9/11?

We’re eight years removed from the horror of 9/11, and I’m afraid it’s beginning to show.

Here’s an overview of this 8th Anniversary of 9/11 from The Washington Times:

The blog over at Commentary Magazine has an excellent post about the dangers of making 9/11 a “day of service,” as envisioned by the Obama Administration:

Let’s honor this day by remembering those who were killed and their families; those who have lost their lives fighting the War on Terror in the Middle East; and those who work today to protect and defend our security – from our troops to our firemen and police officers here at home, in our communities and neighborhoods.

And if anybody tries to say that the War on Terror is useless, that the threats we face are exaggerated, that now it’s safe to scale back our military and relax our defenses, I have two words for them: “You lie.”

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