Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up
When the liberal agenda fails in its quest to take over government, those who cannot get it passed, bring out the “vast right-wing conspiracy” as the killer of their great ideas. When will they learn that Americans do not want government running their lives? The left wing profess the same words when it comes to abortion and marriage, yet are more than willing to impose government in every other aspect of our lives.

President Obama actually stated Republicans are out to kill health care reform: never realizing that Democrats are also dismayed with the proposals for health care reform. Obama has been quick to take on critics: and seems to be desperate to pass anything that will further his agenda of having government take over health care: including reconciliation in Congress. I always believe that reconciliation was means to restore a rift between two parties, and certainly, reconciliation would not be the means of forcing bad legislation through Congress against the will of Americans. I guess “Change we can believe in” also means changing the meaning of words.

Canada indicated this week that its health care system is sick and if we really want to know how government health care would be run in America, Glenn Beck investigated how American Indians are treated:

I’ll get back to health care in a moment as this is the dominate issue of the summer, however we should also be concerned about voter intimidation and the lack of enforcing the law when voter intimidation takes place:

Cap and trade has been off the radar screen lately but President Obama, who will not consider using America’s own resources, has no problem “lending” money to Brazil’s oil companies to drill off their shores.

Will Governor Paterson appeal yesterday court ruling against his appointing a lieutenant governor? My advice to the Governor, do not waste any more tax money on an appeal.

The Politico reports that Charlie Cook, one of the premier political handicappers, sent out a missive that the House could lose in excess of twenty seats.

This report is no surprise to me when you learn of the arrogance of New York’s freshman Congressman, Eric Massa, at a Townhall meeting stating that he will vote for health care reform even if his constituents do not want it! What is even more upsetting is his local paper supporting his position, editorializing that he is doing the job he was elected to do: Is this their idea of representative government?
Speaking of arrogance, maybe we should change the spelling to Axelrod Hugh Hewitt has some good questions for Mr. Axelrod:

All told, the “vast right-wing conspiracy” without busloads of professional protesters, had a good week. Here’s to a good “vast right-wing” weekend.

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