Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

In case you missed it from yesterday, we’ve focused in on a great candidate, Doug Hoffman, to run on the Conservative line in the upcoming special election to replace Rep. John McHugh. Here are some stories straight from the 23rd Congressional District...

Doug Hoffman isn’t an Albany insider or career politician. He’s got real experience in the real world, as an accountant and entrepreneur. Learn more about Doug here...

We’re lucky to have plenty of principled Conservatives to pick from for this race, including retired New York City police officer Jim Kelly, and Jon Alvarez, who is currently serving our nation in Iraq (read more about that here:

Now I’m sure there are plenty in the Republican Party who want us to take a “go-along-to-get-along” approach to this, and just support whoever the powers that be put on the ballot. That’s not happening – not with the GOP offering up a liberal Republican like Dede Scozzafava who does NOT represent the views of grassroots Conservatives or even most Republicans.
Here are some more local stories on this race...

From the Adirondack Daily Enterprise:
From the Watertown Daily Times:

This story is getting national coverage too. I spoke to The Hill, a Washington newspaper, late last week explaining our concerns about the Republican candidate:

Human Events is also covering the 23rd District, aptly describing Assemblywoman Scozzafava as an “Obama Republican”:

Another big story is that the Democrats lost their first-choice candidate, State Sen. Darrel Aubertine, who decided not to run:

That led to another early Republican blunder, as reported by the Press Republican:

So far the GOP has nominated the wrong candidate, and attacked the wrong candidate. Doesn’t bode well for their political instincts, does it?

This story doesn’t bode well for New York taxpayers who respect human life: The headline says it all: “NY Taxpayers to Pay Donors for Stem Cell Studies.”

This story from the Post doesn’t bode well for Gov. Paterson, and his standing among mainstream New Yorkers...

Since he’s staying put in Albany, Sen. Aubertine will undoubtedly be hearing about how your tax dollars are being used, and how Gov. Paterson is handling our state’s economic troubles.

And whoever makes it to Washington as the next U.S. Representative from New York’s 23rd Congressional District will be facing a whole host of difficult issues:

A terrible recession:

Threats around the world:,

A desperate push for drastic health care “reform”: (This is "reform" that members of Congress themselves want no part of! See this week’s question.)

Do we really want an Albany insider and “Obama Republican” like Dede Scozzafava to be voting on these issues, on behalf of New Yorkers?

We’ll keep you posted on this race, and on all the issues, here on the blog. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long said today that he is "leaning toward, without a doubt" supporting Doug Hoffman, a Republican businessman from Lake Placid, to land Row D in the special election to replace Rep. John McHugh.
Read more:

HOUSE Democrats are playing a game of Whack-a-Mole as they try to devise a health-reform bill to reengineer one-sixth of our economy: read more here:

On the campaign trail last year, Barack Obama promised to end the “politics of fear and cynicism.” Yet he is now trying to sell his health-care proposals on fear.
Read more here:

More on health care here:

And to no one's surprise, NY's economy is still sinking:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

September 12, 2009 is a Saturday and if you do not have any plans yet, you may want to march on Washington, DC. More details here: Out of control government spending is the major reason for the march and if you are tired of government spending, help make this march a huge success. If you can't go...forward the website to family and friends to let them know it is taking place.

Speaking of spending, we have a question for the press: Why do we have to read this in a Canadian paper?

Do we have a "right" to health care?
The Cato Institute has an article on why a public option is hazardous to your health:

John Bolton has an article in the WSJ

Thomas Sowell has some of the same concerns:

And Senator Gillibrand is so busy changing her mind all the time that no one really knows where she stands on any issue:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hearings are scheduled to begin on Thursday to consider the nomination of Congressman John McHugh as Secretary of the Army. When (and if) confirmed the race will really be on for his replacement. So far, two candidates are seeking the Conservative Line.... and Who knows, maybe by the end of the day/week, there may be more candidates since the date of the "special" has not be set yet.

The President's health care:
And Rich Lowry's thoughts on it:
Peggy Noonan has a column as well:

The obvious question on health care becomes: If the government can not control the costs on Medicare and people are not getting the proper coverage, why would we trust the government to run a new health care system?

Thomas Sowell writes about President Obama being a post-racial president. Believe me it is an excellent column and certainly worth reading:
(Personally, Thomas Sowell should be nominated as a Justice of the Supreme Court, for his wisdom and insight is exactly the temperament needed.)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Congratulations Matthew Long! I would guess that 99.9% of our readers could not even enter an Ironman contest, let alone complete it!

Just one more reason to be exceptionally careful in choosing judges:
And elected officials:

Why the rush Congressman Rangle:
More on Congressman Rangle:
And you just have to love Congressman Conyers' logic:
One more on health care:

Another place to take action on the Health Care/Insurance "Reform" bill:

The real reason unions want "card check":

John Faso's ideas on how to stop NY's meltdown:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama held yet another prime-time press conference this week – this time to push his plan for government-run health care (I guess I’m allowed to say that – more on that in a minute). Here are some questions I’d like to see answered...

First off, does President Obama really believe that your health care plan will NOT have a negative impact on small businesses, seniors, young people – on virtually everyone? If so, he hasn’t read this article from The Wall Street Journal...

As John Fund notes, “Democrats have been brilliant in keeping knowledge about the pain and sacrifice of health reform from the very people who would bear the brunt of them.”

Next question: Why does the President keep saying that the “other side” of this debate hasn’t offered any concrete plans for reform? You know good and well that’s not true. Here are the latest ideas from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal...

Being down in Louisiana, Gov. Jindal has a unique perspective on how government runs things:

“The Democrats disingenuously argue their reforms will not diminish the quality of our health care even as government involvement in the delivery of that health care increases massively. For all of us who have seen the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s response to hurricanes, this contention is laughable on its face.”

Now, how about some straight answers on abortion? Specifically, under the Obama plan, will my tax dollars be used to fund abortions? It’s starting to look that way...

What’s the world coming to, when The New York Times has a somewhat fair and balanced article about the abortion issue?

The Times quotes the National Right to Life Committee, which points out that this new health care plan “would result in the greatest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.” So much for all of the Democrats’ talk about wanting to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.”

So much for free speech too. Why are the liberals so determined to silence critics of the Obama health care agenda? Two examples...

“GOP Not Allowed to Say 'Government-Run Healthcare” (

“Dems Block GOP Health Care Mailing” (

Fortunately one young lady is not afraid to speak out. Shona Holmes shares with The Weekly Standard a frightening story about how she was almost blinded by Canada’s government-run health care system. She’s the inspiration for this week’s poll...

For conservatives, this was not a terrible week. We’ve got President Obama and the liberals playing defense on health care. Let’s keep up the good fight – because this is a battle we literally can’t afford to lose.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Now that the President explained his health "insurance" changes, we can all rest assured that our health care won't be decimated! Of course those that believe that also know the world is flat, Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon that is made out of cheese and global warming is totally the fault of human beings. If the NY Times is asking questions, you know there is something wrong:

Karl Rove believes Obamacare is in trouble:

Grace Marie Turner is a health care expert:
As is Betsy McCaughey, the former Lt. Gov. of New York, if you can listen to Fred Dicker's podcast it is well worth it: If you can send this link to your family and friends...the Obamacare bill will never see the light of day!

And Professor Michael Boskin believe President Obama must embrace a centrist position:

Under the "I Guess It Pays To Appoint A Judge" banner:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Under the heading of "missed" articles worth reading:, thanks to FaceBook Friends Holly and Jason for posting and alerting us.

Dr. Mark Siegel explains why the AMA is wrong:

And Michelle Malkin has a few words on health care "reform"
More on health care "reform" here: and here:

Click here to sign a petition against Universal Health Care:

Some of our esteemed State Senators care more about unions than our children:

The Governor lost round one in the legal battle of his naming a Lt. Gov.

Good News in the 23rd Congressional District Race. Former State Executive Committee Member and State Committeeman Jim Kelly is seriously considering running! Stay tuned for more information.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obviously the issue of health care reform has been around since the beginning of government. You will relish this audio speech by Ronald Reagan speaking out against socialized medicine. While Reagan gave the speech in 1961, it is very timely today.

The American Thinker on health care reform: And I can't resist these articles on health care reform:, and Thomas Sowell

Dennis Prager on why Americans are beginning to understand the left:

Have you ever considered running for public office? Bill Hammond thinks it may be the right time to consider running:

The Comptroller has confirmed what we have known for months:

Could, would, did Tom Golisano violate election law? Golisano won't worry about this since the Albany County DA will find a way to whitewash any report.

Please take a moment to contact Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to voice your support of the Thune Amendment which could come up for a vote at any moment. Call 202-224-3121 and tell them you support recognizing conceal carry licenses and permits from other states. For more information on this go to

Monday, July 20, 2009

The political season is in high gear - local elections throughout the state. September and November should be a good indication as to which way the voters are leaning...are they happy with the change they voted for or will they be looking for more changes? It should be interesting...

Wonder if President Obama likes this
And this is before the White House decided to put off the release on the budget update:

Do you know all of the "hidden" things in the health care reform 's one ?

And don't believe "Card Check" is dead:

The Heritage Foundation has a good analysis on the Cap and Trade Bill:

Local elections can be a harbinger of things to come....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

We’re wrapping up another week, and here’s what we know, based on the news stories we’ve seen over the past few days...

Thanks to the latest fundraising numbers, we know that Gov. Paterson is still in big trouble thanks to Andrew Cuomo...

According to The New York Times, “Mr. Cuomo now has $10.1 million on hand, nearly twice what the governor is reporting.” We know people don’t invest money in something or somebody they don’t have much confidence in. Bad news for Gov. Paterson.

Thanks to the Congressional Budget Office, we know that the socialized health care plan that President Obama and Senator Schumer are pushing in Washington will NOT save money, as they’ve been promising. Truth is, it will cost us a bundle.

“Congress’ budget watchdog warned Thursday that Democrats’ health care bills would not lower skyrocketing costs and would drive up government spending,” The Washington Times reports, “undermining one of President Obama’s chief arguments for the overhaul.”

And we also know how New York’s own Charlie Rangel and the Democrats in Washington want to pay for all this new spending: Higher taxes. That’s the “best way,” according to Rangel...

The best way for who, exactly? Not for New Yorkers...

According to The New York Post, “New York's top income bracket could reach as high as 57 percent -- rates not seen in three decades -- to pay for the massive health coverage proposed by House Democrats this week.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims that higher taxes are a way to make sure that “middle-income people in our country are not touched" by the costs of government-run health care. We know that’s not true. Does Nancy Pelosi seriously believe that “middle-income” people in New York won’t lose their jobs when companies are forced out of business by higher taxes – or when businesses leave New York and relocate to states where taxes aren’t sky-high?

The Speaker has about as much economic savvy as Vice-President Joe Biden, who we know has a very difficult time keeping his foot out of his mouth...

Here is the Vice-President’s view of fiscal responsibility: “We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt.”

Well, the federal deficit is expected to hit almost $2 trillion this year. I guess that means Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama think they are trying really hard to keep us from going bankrupt, right?

We know that it’s shaping up to be a nice weekend in New York City

Wherever you are, I hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just when you think the Senate Saga is over: ;; and here

Karl Rove writes in the WSJ on Obama moving the goal posts: His opening paragraph speaks of President Obama redefining his goals and acts as if Americans won't remember what he said originally. Mr. Rove's article is on the stimulus but we believe it is President Obama's hope with all is campaign promises....hoping that Americans won't remember exactly what he said. For a technically savvy man, it is foolish to think Americans won't remember...this is the age of You Tube, Facebook, Twitter where speeches can be sent across the nation within seconds.

E. J. McMahon writes of the Health Care proposals of Obama and Rangle here: and the effect it will have on New Yorkers. See our Call To Action Section and please take the time to call Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand and urge them to vote NO on Health Care "Reform".

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It is a very busy political week so blogging unfortunately takes second place. However somethings must be posted. So here goes...

The Stone Zone has an interesting take on the Senate Saga:

And one other thing that happened during the Senate Saga you will find interesting:

The WSJ talks about "The Catholic Double Standard" in the Sotomayor hearings.

And the probable additional surtax that Americans will be paying

And one more on taxes:

It must be Tuesday, because Thomas Sowell has another great column:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

The big news of the week is the end (at least for now) of the Senate soap opera in Albany.

But this story is far from over. There’s no shortage of commentary and analysis of this whole saga – and here are some links to show what New York has lost in all this drama.

We’ve lost any confidence we might have had that the politicians can do their jobs...

Respect for New York’s senators is a thing of the past... (From the NY Post) (From the NY Dail News)

Basic respect for the law has taken a big hit... (NY Post) (NY Daily News)

Taxpayers have lost a good bit of money... more than $5 million, according to the Post...

Maybe the time has come for the Conservative Party to take out a “Help Wanted” ad for 62 new Senators? Our state needs to hire some real leaders.

The U.S. Senate isn’t faring much better. The latest: Comedian Al Franken was sworn in as Senator from Minnesota, after a recount that gave him just enough votes to win. Here's the story from CBS News:

That gives the Democrats 60 seats in the Senate. As far as Chuck Schumer is concerned, that gives the liberals a blank check in the debate over socialized health care...

If Chuck and Al get their way, the same kind of people who run the New York Senate will be in control of our prescriptions, doctor visits and medical coverage.

That makes me feel a bit queasy.

Here’s a headline from USA Today: “Billions in aid go to areas that backed Obama in '08” (

Think that sounds fishy? Fear not. The Obama Administration assures us it’s just a coincidence. From the article: “‘There’s no politics at work when it comes to spending for the recovery,’ White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says.”

I love to end these weekly wrap-ups with a good laugh. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Could it really be over?

Will the Governor's appointment of a Lt. Governor withstand a court challenge? Will there be a court challenge? Or is it all moot now? Have the last 4 1/2 weeks been a total waste of taxpayer's dollars? And how many taxpayers dollars will continue to be wasted?

Mike Goodwin has a good article on the Senate Saga:

And E. J. McMahon has a an excellent article on "Diffuse the Pension Bomb"

On the International front, maybe we should not worry about North Korea's dropping a bomb, rather their ability to invade cyberspace:

Karl Rove believes President Obama has a math problem:

And the WSJ is reporting that most economist oppose another stimulus

Michael Barone gives us reason to believe that many Americans are starting to understand the problems with big government:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sometimes one misses a very good article, and yesterday I missed this one:

Here is the second article from Manhattan Institute:

Nothing new to report on the Senate Saga as of now.

President Obama continues to make America vulnerable with his negotiations, this time with Russia. "Mr. Medvedev's solution is to negotiate, inviting the U.S. to make real cuts, while Russia eliminates nothing that it wouldn't retire in any event." Read more by Professor Keith Payne here:

More about the Administration's Energy Plan:

And the Employee Free Choice Plan:

Thomas Sowell has another excellent article on the Ricci Case :

Check back later to find out if anything new happened in the Senate today...Hope springs eternal!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hope everyone enjoyed America's Birthday and had time to thank a veteran.

Apparently Fred Dicker had time to take a walk down memory lane and wrote about the changes in Albany since he has been here.Definitely worth the read:

Week five on the Senate Saga and not much has changed. Assemblyman Gianaris had a press conference earlier today and tried to sell an idea he had that would end the impasse. Liz Benjamin writes about his suggestion and the fact that AG Cuomo does not believe it is constitutional. She also points out that, possibly, the AG has his own agenda. Interesting read:

With Senator John Sampson's ascending to a leadership role in the NYS Senate the NY Post has an article on the links between his member items and contributions:

If you thought your pension was safe because you work for government, you may want to think again:

More information from the CATO Institute on Health Care Reform:

Somebody please give President Obama a copy of Oliver North's column "Wrong Again"

Friday, July 3, 2009

Weekly Wrap-up

Another week has slipped by and the Senate stalemate continues. If someone submitted the last three and a half weeks as a movie script, it would be tossed aside as being too absurd!

Speaking of absurd, did the Washington Post really think we would believe their explanation that the “fliers appear to be the product of overzealous marketing executives.”

Also under the absurd adjective this week is the passage of the Waxman/Marley bill and what it will cost Americans

Al Franken will sit in the United States Senate and I wonder how long it will take him to join the Congressional travel club

There is nothing wrong with a President having Town Hall meetings to explain his agenda; however, this week’s meeting to explain his healthcare policy was more of a show than a genuine town hall meeting.

Another big news story this past week was the U. S. Supreme Court decision overturning Sonia Sotomayor in the Ricci Case, certainly her judgment regarding this case has to be examined.

Enough of what is absurd! Tomorrow we celebrate America’s 233rd Birthday. As American’s we have been blessed by living in a country where we have freedoms unheard of in other parts of the world. And all of these freedoms have been paid for with the blood of our brave armed service members. Yesterday, Karl Rove wrote about one family We salute them and all the families who have protected our way of life. When we get on a bus, sit outside in a restaurant, attend a traditional fireworks display, or even a family barbeque, we are reasonably certain that a suicide bomber will not attack us. Prior to September 11, 2001, we never knew the fear a suicide bomber could evoke. Then America survived September 11, 2001. And we will never forget how that day changed us forever. We are resolved to never experience the horrifying, terrifying fear, the unspeakable shock of seeing the deliberate destruction and death of almost 3000 innocent people ever again:

So as America celebrates, as family and friends gather to watch parades and fireworks, take the time to thank a veteran and their family for keeping us safe and if possible, please support:

Semper Fi and may God continue to bless America

Thursday, July 2, 2009

According to the New York Post Mayor Bloomberg should "Fight Back - Or Lose"

And they certainly are correct in this editorial:

Was Jacob Gershman a "fly on the wall" (good thing President Obama wasn't around if he was) during some of the on-going negotiations?

Does President Obama and staff choreograph town hall meetings?

How many Czars are too many?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What the democrats in the NYS Senate are doing now is disgraceful! Do they really believe that they can consider a Senator just walking through the Chamber as voting for the legislation they want to pass? Are they serious? Even Governor Paterson, who would do almost anything to end this charade has stated that he will not sign the legislation passed yesterday. The legal question become...does he have to??

Some of the reporters' blogging on the Senate Saga...

As of June 8, the State Senate, under the leadership of the Democrats had passed 169 bills in 58 working days, almost three bills each working day. Since June 8 nothing. Unless you count yesterday, of course. Which believe me...if they really think that Sen. Padavan's just walking through is their 32nd pathetic! Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, its time to recognize that you have been elected to hold a position of is time to that you show your leadership and act responsibile.

In other news of the day:

More on Obamacare:

Thomas Sowell has another excellent article, this one on Equality on Trial:

And more on the same topic from George Will:,_the_slog_goes_on