Friday, October 23, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

The major news of this week in conservative circles continues to be the 23rd Congressional race. Just breaking is the former Republican Presidential candidate Steve Forbes endorsement of Doug Hoffman and former Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin’s endorsement:

It certainly has been a good week for the Hoffman campaign, national radio shows, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck mentions of the race on Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh with even more to come. Dick Armey flew in to offer his support as Doug introduced his Flat Tax proposal. Only 11 days left, but what an 11 days it will be. The energy has not waned in the least; in fact, there is so much energy the Obama Administration is looking for a way harness it to get its ill-fated health care bill through congress. We are seriously on the verge of making history in the 23rd Congressional District and we appreciate any support you can give at this time.

The Democratic candidate was hoping for more than this from President Obama: , I’m guessing he (the candidate) understands how many who voted for him feel--disappointed!

It is a good thing President Obama does not read the UK’s Telegraph or he would be trying to “black list” them as he is trying to do to Fox News which may be having a slight push back from other major news stations. Apparently, some habits are hard to die:

Could all the truth being exposed be the reason why new regulations are being considered at the FCC? Rush Limbaugh has an excellent analysis of former VP Cheney’s speech at the 20th Anniversary Dinner of the Center for Security Policy on Wednesday evening, in case you missed it.

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., should be commended for his fight to keep federal tax dollars from being used for abortions.

Every time the federal government runs a program, fraud is a major issue and here which is all the more reason that government run health care is a very bad idea. Instead of rushing to take over health care, it should be seeking to eliminate the massive fraud in its current programs. In case you need a refresher course in all of the different plans on the table for health care reform, the Wall Street Journal has a recap of their articles here:

On the statewide front, Governor David Paterson is still trying to pass the same-sex marriage bill while trying to resolve a budget deficit. Most New Yorkers are far more concerned about the burgeoning budget deficits and lack of good paying jobs, and want a leader to address these issues that have a direct impact on their everyday lives. The tax burden continues to drive our citizens out of the state and there is no end in sight. Revenue from all the “ordinary resources” are evaporating faster than rain in the Sahara Desert and instead of doing what is right for the citizens, the Governor and Legislature resorts to gimmicks to raise money and this

With only 11 days left in the Hoffman race, I am going to put my energy into electing a candidate who truly reflects what our values are and who will do what is right for all New Yorkers. Call the campaign at 518-897-1003 to find out what you can do to help.

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