Wednesday, October 21, 2009

National news organizations are following and opining on the 23rd CD race almost as much as local papers:; and here:

Will ACORN be involved in the race? It certainly has a presence in New York political races: not to its credit. Why we should be concerned about ACORN being involved:

Listen to Fred Thompson reasons for supporting Doug Hoffman:
The American Spector says it is up to Upstate New York:

Of course there are other issues to be concerned with including Gov Paterson looking to tax again instead of cutting more spending:

It certainly is time to resolve the loss of revenue here:

Is Sen. Schumer showing his true colors:

And Charles Gasparino has an excellent article on Attorney General Andrew Cuomo

And Walter Williams reminds us why we are the greatest Nation in the World

1 comment:

  1. Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show today, asked the single most important question of this entire 23rd Districtpolitical circus. That question is: How is Dede Scozzafava even considered a Republican. The next question is: Why are supposed Republicans on the national level supporting her?

    That question should not be directed only at Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava but at almost a majority of Republicans involved in local, county, state and federal politics across our nation.

    Is it really any wonder why Republicans lost the White House, or why so many conservative Republicans are flocking to the Conservative Party or other parties that still stand for something? There is no question in my mind that this is entire issue and scenario will strengthen and grow our NYS Conservative Party.
