Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Before everyone starts believing that what GOP Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, said was a "gaffe" or worse according to the pundits, read this. 

Leaked by the Administration, but Mark Owen is threatened with criminal charges, is there one person in this administration that passed simple logic? 

US Constitution trashed on its anniversary.

If I believed what President Obama tells me, why would the US image be eroding

And Mr. President, can you explain this?

The Heritage Foundation opines on China and jobs in America.

Another little gem in Obamacare, the time it takes to tackle Obamacare/tax rules.  More on problems with Obamacare/tax. Same doctor visit, double the costs.

Senator Coburn on problems uncovered in the Social Security Disability Program.

Assembly releases documents listing sexual harassment settlements.  And more taxpayers money was spent on the scandal.

Tuesday's with Thomas Sowell. An excellent column that must be sent to the Romney campaign.

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