Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here we go again:

And Obama keeps blaming America:

Thomas Sowell writes on Universal Health Care:

And the George Soro's of the world want "medical marijuana". One only has to look at California, and all the problems with "medical marijuana" to know this is a very bad idea.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Joel Peacock and I am a long time member of the Conservative Party. I am also the individual from Buffalo New York campaigning FOR Medical Marijuana. I have questions for the folks writing this press release condemning Medical Marijuana:

    1) Who among the members of our party are suffering from disabling / chronic disease, constant chronic pain or are suffering side affects from painful medical treatments? I will call this the Those of Us Who Suffer Group (TUWSG) If you are indeed part of this UWSG group move on to question two. If you are not part of the UWSG group please do not condemn a possible relief from UWSG issues.

    2) If you are a member of the Conservative Party, and are also a part of the above mentioned UWSG group, have you ever tried Marijuana for relief from your pain and suffering? If you have tried it and found it not to work at all, you have the right to speak for yourself but no one else in our party without their approval! You do not speak for me! If you haven't tried Marijuana for relief from your pain and suffering why are you writing condemning articles like this?

    There is an old saying that goes something like this; Walk a Mile in My Shoes! Until you have walked in the shoes of someone who is suffering each and every day with little or no relief, don't condemn but rather HELP! Come and walk in my shoes for just four hours without narcotic pain relievers! I am willing to bet two things. The first is you will be dashing for a hospital emergency room, where they will shoot you full of morphine, which only lasts a short period of time! Or second, you will try anything, legal or illegal, in an attempt to get relief from the terrible pain! Walk in the Shoes of someone with Multiple Sclerosis when even being touched by another person causes excruciating pain. Suffer from the cramps and other terrible issues that accompany Chemo Therapy. I hope you never have to face any of these things but I do hope you will open your self to help those who need it!

    Joel Peacock
