Thursday, April 16, 2009

Considering what hap pend at Georgetown University when President Obama spoke,, more pressure has to be put on Notre Dame to rescind its invitation to President Obama.

Charter Schools are successful across the nation and the price for that success is to have its funding cut due to the pressure of the teachers union. When did the teachers union decide that the education of children is secondary to their strength? And how long will parents continue to allow the education of their children be secondary?

It is interesting to note that in today's world of worldwide instant communication that Sen. Smith was noticeably absent from Gov. Paterson's roll out of his program bill to legalize same-sex marriage. Liz Benjamin (Daily News) blogs about the press conference and writes: "Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, who is being put under pressure by Paterson with this move, was also notably absent. Paterson insisted Smith is a "strong supporter of the legislation" and said he just got back into town yesterday (no word about where he had been) and didn't know about today's press conference." Read more here:

and the New York Post takes the Governor to task for not focusing on the real issues facing New Yorkers.

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