Thursday, July 19, 2012

No surprise here (hm, on second thought, President Obama and his team would be surprised) 62% of the public put economic growth ahead of economic fairness.

Even in heavily democratic New York City, small business owners are lashing out at the President's misguided but sincerely held remarks about those who own small businesses. Michael Barone has a few thoughts on President Obama's "dis" of hard working small business owners. This from Guy Benson on how we have not taken President Obama's remarks out of context is worth reading. If you are short on time and can only read one article on this subject, make it this one as Thomas Sowell  tells it as it is in a manner that no one else can. The NY Post Editorial has its say also.

It won't be long before Sen. Schumer introduces a bill that allows only him (and his protegee, Kirsten Gillibrand) to be the only ones who can speak out on subjects because, of course, they are the only ones who know best.

Speaking of Sen. Gillibrand, our US Senate candidate, Wendy Long, wants to know when Sen. Gillibrand will renounce her ACORN ties.  Take back New York, help elect Wendy Long.

File this under "do as I say, not as I do".  If you want to know more about Congresswoman Pelosi's financial background pick up the book Throw Them All Out. 

The Heritage Foundation examines outsourcing and more hidden facts in Obamacare/tax.

Anyone who has doubts about stop and frisk, read this.   Stop and frisk saves lives, period.

So does Kendra's law.

Many believe New York is doing better financially.  Read this and then ask yourself if New York is truly in better financial shape. Good advice from Steve Malanga; gambling is not the answer to fiscal problems.

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