Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The New York Post Editorial has some concerns (as we certainly do) on the Governor's proposal to build a convention center at Aqueduct Raceway, especially regarding his support for Casino Gambling in New York State, which we continue to oppose. The NY Post states "But the public needs to know fully just what’s being contemplated — and what New Yorkers will be asked to give up." That statement is one that we certainly support. If New Yorkers are going to vote to amend the State Constitution, they must know the specifics of any proposal.

We also agree with Sen. Skelos on the the proposed minimum wage bill. Speaker Silver is obviously only reading left wing propaganda again while he stalls on helping New Yorkers be safe and possibly exonerated.

This is a double whammy cost to taxpayers.

Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more of this type of behavior in society. The decline of morals and values is appalling, while we certainly do not think more laws will resolve the decline, it is evident that society must reacquaint ourselves with the moral compass that our Founding Fathers understood.

It is pathetic that Congress has to even consider passing this.

The Left is up in arms over this. It is amazing that the Left/Progressives are saying that Korman gave into much has the Left gained by bullying???

Seriously, does anyone believe the DNC spokesman?

According to this, federal workers are happy.

Congressman Cantor is completely right on the need to strengthening the "insider trading' Bill.

Wednesday's with Walter E. Williams and a bonus Thomas Sowell.

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